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My parents decided to throw me a birthday part to celebrate me being 2 decades old. I invited my friends excepting a small get together. Instead the whole class showed up along with them.

Mom and dad left early to leave the us to party. Dad is the CEO of the Family company, Mom's his PA. Who knows what they do in the office since their so close. I cringe at the thought.

Alcohol and drunk people grinding on each other was all around the venue. Mom insisted on us using the beach house, because there was less stuff to brake there. I went in search of Carmen, Alex, Damion and Brianna. People were outside smoking so I won't step foot outside because of my asthma.

There were around a 50 people around. By 12am the number decreased to twenty. Some of the boys wreck of alcohol and smoke. Seeing as the party/get together was almost over, we sat on the wooden floor in the sitting room all gathered in a circle.

"Wanna play spin the bottle!" Carmen said. We all agreed seeing there was nothing better to do.

Damion got one of the bottles that was close to him. "Whose first?" He said putting the bottle in the center of the room.

"The Birthday girl of course!" Brianna said in her drunken state.

Letting a small hint of blush creep up my cheeks I took the bottle and spun it. I closed my eyes waiting on it to stop. When it did come to a stop it landed on a gorgeous boy. He looked like a model.

He had brown hair it was messy and probably wanted to be cut because it was right at his eyes. Darkest hazel eyes. With brown circling around his irises. He had a square like face shape, pink lips that looked like he had used lipstick, he's structure was fit and muscular, he looked to be about 6'2.

"Grace!" I was snapped out of my trance when Carmen snapped her fingers in front of my face. The boy was standing up already, he was more like a 6'1 now that I see him.

"Seven minutes in heaven, start moving!" Damion said rushing me like an excited middle scholar.

They was a coat closet in the hallway which they pushed us into the closet bagging on the door for us to begin our make out session.

Nervous was an understatement of how I felt right now. My back was facing the boy for a good minute which means like 6 minutes were left. Taking all the confidence I had I turned around and was caught in his gaze.

We eventually leaned in and kissed. He was tall so he had to bend to my 5'5. It was weird at first but it eventually felt heart warming. We pulled away needing to breathe.

His hands were in his pockets and mine were nervously rubbing my other arm. "I'm Blake, " he said out of the blue.

I looked up at him his cheeks were a bit flushed. "Grace!" I said shaking his hand.

"Out." Someone said pulling the closet door open.

After everyone left Blake if that's what his name was stayed to help clean up. I told him he didn't really need to because help was going to come here around eight am.

We ended the night watching a Outlander I wasnt a fan of blood shed but I still watched it.

The morning I woke up I had a migraine. There was clothes on my laptop desk, that's when I jumped up and groaned. Asking myself what did I do.

This brings me back to my current moment. A single mother with a 3 and a half year old son who doesn't even know his dad.

I regretted that night but I don't regret having David. Oh and also when I told Carmen and the others I was pregnant Alex was the only one who stayed.

He's David's Godfather and my only best friend. I don't want him to grow up without a father because he is going to need a male role model in his life. I set myself on a mission that I'd find ' Blake ' before December 28. Which means I have 5 more moths to left to find him, if I don't. I'd probably blame myself for the absence of a father in David's life.


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