🍃Fourty-Eight 🍃

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Grace's POV

While I sat down in the room with my two sleeping children, I thought about things that occurred in the past. As I got lost in my thinking I also started to drift asleep.

In loving memory of
Sylvia  I. Dixon
2/11/1965- 5/7/2020
A friend, a wife, mother, and grandmother.
Always in our thoughts forever in our hearts

Malik stood inches away from me staring down at the stone in the ground. I approached him and gave him a hug which he barely returned. Under those dark shades he had on I felt a drop of tears touch my skin. When I looked at him to see if it was really tears or probably rain. He adjusted his shades and drawed his nose. When I looked up the clouds were grey.

"Malik we should go before the rain starts." I said to him breaking out of the hug. He didn't move until I spoke it aloud again.

"I'm coming."  He said giving the stone one more look.

When the four of us: my dad, brother, son and I were seated in the car I asked, "Dad do you have any cancer or disease we should know about?"

"To the best of my knowledge no." He answered, turning his eyes back on the road.

"What's cancer?" David asked looking at me?

"It's something that makes people very sick, and they can heal from it or not." I answered him.

"Ok. Mommy do you have cancer?" David asked.


"Because you were sick the other day and now you're better. So you could have healed from it." David also told me.

"Because that was my sinus. Now drink your juice and stop it with questions."  He acts too smart for his age.

"When's your cast coming off?" David opened his mouth and spoke again, poking malik's broken arm with his leg.

When did he take off his shoes? "When my arm gets better."

"Mommy I'm bored."

"Go to sleep then."

"I'm not tired." He said, moving from the chair to sit on my lap. "Do you have snacks?"

"It's in my bag."

"Grandma said not to go in a lady's bag." David told me.

"That's correct. Here?"  I said taking out the Pringles that were in my bag.

"Thank you." He said taking it out of my hand.

It seemed like he didn't even just lose his grandmother.  He was a little ray of sunshine. I'm losing surprised where he got all this energy from, since he didn't even want to get up this morning.

End of dream

I was awoken by Bella's 2 am calling.

"I'm coming." I said getting up from off the wooden chair I had in the corner of the room. Stretching my muscles I went to the crib and took her out before she woke David up.

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