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The next day

rєч'ѕ pσv

Grace had told me not to come empty so I bought nothing. I wasn't planning on buying anything for him. I went into my bathroom and did my morning hygiene which was brushing teeth, bathing and washing my hair. I got out of the shower and walked over to my closet I pulled out... ↓↓

I walked out of my room and the to see the twins running passed me to the stairs,  they must be going out today cause their all dressed up matching and stuff

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I walked out of my room and the to see the twins running passed me to the stairs, they must be going out today cause their all dressed up matching and stuff.

When it reached 2:30 I walked out the house because Grace said I should be there by three. I put the location on the GPS and drove there.

After almost 40 minutes I arrived. I'm 10 minutes late so they wouldn't mind. I looked around the property before unbuckling my seatbelt and stepped out, I saw Grace coming my way.

"What did you bring,"she asked as we started walking to the house.

"Myself!" I said she spun around and dragged me back to my car.

"Get your butt back into that vehicle and go to the nearest toy store and bring him something," she said making it sound like a threat. I rolled my eyes at her and leaned against my car.

Suddenly the the trunk opened and two annoying people came stumbling out. They both said ouch in union.

They came up to me. Alexandra began to speak, but then stopped her self when she saw Grace raise her brow in confusion. Her English was not as strong as mine and Alejandra's because she's always speaking in spanish.

"Apologies for our hermano here. He's a little frío at times. But here."She said snatching the paper bag from Alejandra.

Grace smiled at them and said follow her. "What the hell are you two doing?" I whisper yelled at them.

They smiled and ignored me. When the front door open she led us to the kitchen then to the backyard. There was a festa out here.

"Birthday boy!" Grace said as the kid came running to her. He aged a bit from the last time I saw him. He placed at us with a questionable glance but shrugged it off and turn back to his mother.

I was drawn aside by the men in the party for some unknown reason I got a beer and then they started talking about football.

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αftєr dad drew Rey away from us I turned to the set of sisters that were behind me.

"This must be our little nephew. He looks so much like R-Blake." The one in pink cooed at him.

"Mi name is Alexandra and this is mi hermana Alejandra." The one in blue said smiling.

"Well hi Alexandra and Alejandra am Grace. Alejandra you should try telling your dear brother that this child is his. Since everyone can see his image in him but himself" I said rolling my eyes.

"David it's time to blow out the candles." My mother called from over our shoulders.

We walked over to the cake. The candle was already in so I took the lighter and lit it. After the count of three he blew out the candels.

"Who you want to cut the cake with?" Mom asked him.

"Uncle Malik, Lexi and-" he said thinking. Lexi was his cousin from dad's side. "Dashe!" he said.

When Malik walked up to the table he looked over at me and smiled. He was laughing because David chose him for the second year in a row. I rolled my eyes at him.

"After 3!" I said everyone started counting when we reached one david stopped us and told us no. And then showed four fingers for us to count to four.

We laughed at him the counted to 4 they cut the cake. Then mom took it to the kitchen.

I didn't see when David took frosting of the cake all I knew is that I felt it when he put his hand on my cheek. He ran away smiling before I could catch him. I saw Alex and Malik laughing there butts off at the frosting.

The twins followed me to the kitchen to help cut the cake. Mom asked who were they I told her 'Blake's sister's. We laughed and talked in the kitchen while putting slices of chocolate cake on a tray. Half the cake was placed in the fridge while the rest was sheared among the guest. I wiped my face before exiting.

David was running up and down with his friends and cousins, I told them to go sit at the table because it was time for cake. When I walked back into the kitchen I was stopped by Alejandra.

"You and I know my brother thinks that boy isn't his. But with your permission I was wondering if you could let us take him to our uncle to show Blake wrong. My uncle is probably tired of seeing him in the office for the same cause. His name is Jodan he's a doctor by the way."

I nodded my head and told her to give me her number and I'll text her back when I make a decision.

After the party only a few people remained, David came running to me and asked me a question when we were alone.

"Momma is that man who look like me my daddy? Because a lot of my classmates who are boys look like their daddy or that's what in heard." He asked me with curious eyes.

I nearly chocked on my water. How can a 4 year old see it yet still that 20 something idiot can't.

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