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•Leonardo Smith•

It was past 11 pm. The girls and I were seated in my room on different corners of my bed. But in all four of us were on the bed. David was wrapped up from head to toe in my blanket for unknown reasons.

"Aren't you guys going to call your brother? " I asked them with a concerned voice.

"No need, he already knows where we are," Alejandra responded.

"How does he know where you are? You two weren't dressed to go out when you came here," I said to them which rolled their eyes at.

"Él has a tracker in our phones and maybe our coche," Alexandra answered rolling her eyes.

"Im just going to assume that cochie meant car correct?" I said and they hooded but also correced my mispronounciation.We continued with our little talk before my dad came to the door saying, 'Someone's at the door for us.'

I mentaly groaned. All three of us got up and went to the door to be greeted by him. I wasn't really thrilled to see him, cause it's been like a week since my unfortunate encounter.

When the girls step outside he place his big hands in their tiny ears pulling them by it. He was pulling them to their car, and opening the back door, I'm surprised that they didn't even complain. Alejandra protested saying her phone was inside. He walked back up to my verandah  and up to me.

"Grace can you please get my siblings belongings." He said in a serious yet sweet tone.

"Yea, I'll go do that." I walked back into my roo, I didn't find it. I looked in the kitchen, still didn't find it. Into the living room. And guess what!

It will want there. The last room I remembered them using was the bathroom and yet again the same result. I still couldn't find her darn phone.

I pulled out my phone to ring it but I didn't hear any ringtone. I heard my name being called once again by... I'm not even sure what to call him. But I do prefer Rey.

When I was back on the veranda, he said. "Alejandra has her phone, sorry for the trouble," He said with a boy like smirk and took my hand and kissed it. "Good night Grace!"

I stood there stunned, but there's something behind that smirk. I know for a fact that the girls are in trouble. They drove out of of my driveway, and I still stood there for a minute more still feeling tiny shocks going through my hand.

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"Give me your phones!" I said to them before they went upstairs.

"No, your going away tomorrow and probably won't come back in like a month. So no." Alejandra said starting to run her mouth. It took everything in me not hit her, sibling or not.

"I didn't ask." I said grabbing her hand which had the phone. After 2 minutes of fighting to get the phone out of her hand I finally got it.

Alejandra stood there fed up with folded arms, I rolled my eyes at her before moving to Alexandra. She on the other hand gave in and handed me her phone.

"You may go to your rooms now." They both went upstairs one was pissed off the other was a bit calm.

Lucky for me, the battery in their phones were removable. They could just buy another one, I thought to myself.

I placed the batteries back into the phones and walked outside to the security post in the yard. "Leonardo," I called out to him.

This was practically a house, so he chose to live in there. After waiting awhile he came to the window. "Yes sir," he said answering me.

"You don't have to call me that." I told him, he started working here when he turned twenty. We're the same age 25, I'm just months older. "I'm leaving tomorrow, here are the  twins phone." I said handing the both phones to him. He looked at me with a raised brow, which I accompanied with an explanation.

"Give them it back in two days. And if our father calls within that period; you answer it and take it to them, make sure to take back the phone when your finished take it back." I told him he nodded before I walked back into the house.

I walked back into the house and set an alarm on my phone for 4:30 am and now it was to 12 am. Checking on my sisters first they were both fast asleep in their rooms. That's when I finally made my way to my bed and let the darkness consume me.

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