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"Daddy, when are me and Bella going home?" David asked me.

"Monday or Tuesday. But for-"

"Mommy said Bella was supposed to have an doctor appointment today. Did you forget?"

"What's was the appointment about?"

"Bella needs to get her hearing aids back, the last time we went to get them they were too big." He informed me.

"She didn't look like she needed hearing aids. When we carryher back we'll go get them for her."

"That's why she doesn't pay attention to you when you whisper." David said looking out the window. "Why didn't you just go to the Mariposa if you wanted to bring us to a hotel?"

"Because, there's other hotels to try out. And this one has a slide."

"I'm a big kid if you didn't notice."

"Well this one has rides and stuff." I told him, I felt like bringing them out for the weekend.

When we finally made it to the location Friday in the evening, Bella awoke and began to cry. If she had all her hearing I don't think she'd like to listen to herself.

"I'll go check in, see what she needs." I told David closing the door behind me.


David's POV

I know for a fact daddy did smell she had on a dirty pampers on before he came out of the car. Does he seriously not know how to change a diaper or something. Even after I fought with my sister to try and change her diaper the way mommy had shown me she was still crying.

She was probably hungry because she was sleeping since we left out. I found a bottle that was premade mommy said to give her once she woke up and pored water from the thermos onto the mixed ingredients in the bottle.

She eventually stopped her noise after the bottle went into her mouth. This hotel did have more features than Mommy's but I still liked her's better.

Sunday came by quickly and I couldn't wait to leave here. During my time here I got a call from my aunties. It was nice to
hear from them again after months.

While daddy was in the bathroom I was in the room supervising Bella as she watched hot cross buns and snuggles with Ms. Moo while sucking on her thumb.

The phone on the table began to ping, and light showed on the screen

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The phone on the table began to ping, and light showed on the screen. I glanced over and saw around a dozen missed calls from mommy between today and last Friday. Most of them were from today. I pulled down the notification bar and saw many other notifications. One from someone name Madre, it was something in another language. One from Alexandra who was pestering him to call her back with a bunch of puppy dog eye emojis. One from my uncle then many many more from other apps.

I took the phone to read some of the messages and call back mommy, to my luck there wasn't any lock on it. I probably shouldn't have viewed the archived text because that wasn't for children. But it's a whole year worth of unread message in the archives. I called back mommy next.

She answered as soon as the first ring started. She sounded worried.

"Rey where are you with my kids!" She yelled into my ear.

"Mommy, why are you shouting?" I said moving the phone from my ear.

"Where are you guys? I've been calling you guys from Friday. Where's your sister?" She asked me not giving me time to respond to anything.

"She's watching TV." I told her the call was soon switched to video. "I think we're in Cayman Barc I don't know daddy said well go back to grand Cayman Monday."

"He took you from this island?" She asked shocked and pissed at the same time.

Daddy came out of the bathroom and walked before the camera which was on Bella. "Do you not know how to answer the phone?"

"Nope." He answered shamelessly. "By the way why didn't you tell me something was wrong with my daughter?"

"Because it's between me and my daughter. When your bringing them back to my house you'll also bring the money wasted for the doctor's appointment."

My efforts of love coach which was viciously pinched out of me failed along with follow what they do in the movie. I might have to learn how to be Cupid next.

All my efforts of getting my parents together, had walked right out the door. They obviously won't fall for those tricks again.

Alcohol makes people act different right? How would a 7 year old convince people who are almost thirty to get drunk. A drunk man or woman. Never tells a lie.

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