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A week later

𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙚'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

I haven't received any form of reply from Rey, which had me disappointed. I was currently sitting in the living room, helping David with his math homework. He gave me the book to go check his work while he ran off to go back to turn on the TV.

"Hold up Mister." I called to him, he stopped in his tracks and turned to me. "What's 10 take away 3?"

He started counting on his fingers, and then put up 7 fingers. "Seven!"

"Then why is there a 9 in this book," I said pointing to question 4.

He came over and changed the answer. I let him go turn on the TV while I go look for something to use as counters for him. My first idea was to use my makeup brushes, but then I walked pass the empty fish tank in between my bedroom door and the home office.

Taking out like 30 of them I didn't count, I placed them on top of the tank to answer my ringing phone. Stepping into the empty room I answered the call. I also saw a calendar in the room, noticing January only had 2 days left.

The call ended within 5 minutes, I took a moment for myself. Disappointment was the only thing I felt at the moment. The five minutes ended up into 20, ofcourse David wouldn't mind because he'd have more time to watch TV instead of doing homework.

I walked out of the office and picked up the pebbles that were on top of the fish tank and walked back to the living room. David was still in the living room, but he was with someone. Their back was turned to me all I saw was their broad shoulders and brown hair. Who ever the individual was, he was obviously white.

I didn't disturb them or make my presence be known, I just observed. The man turned his head to his side to scratch his neck. I- i-t it was Rey. He whispered something to David and got up and left.

I waited for a minute and went back and sat beside David. He didn't make it look like he was talking to a stranger he had on the same facial expression from when I left him.

"Was somebody here?" I asked him, seeing if he would respond. He shock his head no. I placed the counters on the coffee table in the middle of the room. David did all 20 questions and 5 of them were wrong, so I brought out back the counters.

"Can I go out on my bike?" He asked me with pleading eyes.

"Let me put on some tights first." I told him before getting up. I threw on some tights that stopped mid thigh and put on a better shirt too. Since this tee-shirt has holes.

"Let's go." I told him one I reached on the verandah. Slipping on my slippers I then opened the grill. Closing it after we both stepped out. I followed behind David as he rode the bicycle. He rode further than he would normally ride. After about 5 minutes of him riding he stopped in front of a black car, which was really similar to the car which Rey would drive.

As if on que Rey stepped out of the vehicle. I wasn't surprised to be honest, after all I did see him in my living room before he saw me.

"Hey Grace, can we talk." Is all he said staring at me. I mentally rolled my eyes, if you weren't here to talk why bother showing up. My inner voice said in a duh tone.

"Let him wait in your car," I said signalling to David. He nodded and opened the driver door which David gladly got in to.

Before we both said anything he handed me back the printed document that came from my doctor. Skipping over most of it to get to the piont, I was overjoyed when I saw the results were in fact positive. I hid my excitement, because I don't know what his decision is. Is he going to stay and be apart of David's life, or will he just leave.

Words from the day we meet up at the cafe at my hotel came to mind. " If she's pretty I might try a relationship, if she ugly I would pay her the child support and not want to be involved in their lives." I was on edge at the moment I didn't know what to feel, even though he hadn't said anything yet.

"So?" I said in a low yet Auiduable tone.

He cleared his throat and began to answer, "Since I know that he is in fact my child, I will take responsibility for my actions. Will I want to be involved in his life? The answer is -"

David blew the horn of the car which muted Reys answer. I gave him some death glares, he took his hand off the wheel and then started tapping on other stuff in the car. The headlights were on and all other things this boy could see he touched.

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