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It was easy to find out where my parents were. They didn't tell anyone which hospital she was going. So one marvelous night I shared locations with my dad's phone.

After my phone call from David last night it made me want to take the next flight home, to go see my baby. I would but I won't. He's in good hands after all. This will be the furthest and longest we've ever been apart. Sure I don't mind shipping him to his uncle or godfather when I need a brake. But I miss him, so I'll call him later after school is over

I went over to the bathroom did my personal hygiene and put on ↓↓↓

I went over to the bathroom did my personal hygiene and put on ↓↓↓

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It was a simple outfit. White sneakers, black skinny high waisted jeans, with an orange sweater, there were also some emoji looking earrings. (Idk what those are so for now there earrings) . I put my braids to one side of my shoulder. Grabbing an over shoulder leather bag I head for the front door. I told Tyreke that I was leaving and waited outside for the Uber.

It drove me to the hospital my phone said my father was. I walked up to the reception desk and told them I was here to visit, Sylvia Dixion. She asked my relation to the patient, I replied with daughter. I was given the room number and which floor it would be on.

I used WhatsApp to video call Malik as I entered the elevator. It was about 9 am so he should be at work. Which means his phone is probably on vibrate. After ting what fells like 10 more times he answered.

"Nice of you to answer," I said rolling my eyes at him.

"What happened to calling me when you landed?." He said putting the phone in a position he didn't have to hold it.

"Well I just landed in front of mom's door, I called you didn't I?" He rolled his eyes after me saying so.

We both quieted down, then I knocked on the door. Nobody answered but someone said come in. So I went in, and both my parents started to scold me. And before my dare brother helped me he was stuffing his face with what I think was Doritos and laughing.

"Who are you staying with?" My mother asked after everything had stopped.

"I'm staying with Tyreke." I answered.

"And where's David?" My father asked me this time.

"His with his farther." Malik answered for me.

"Alright, so um whens your chemo session?" I asked getting to the point before my mother starts over reacting.

"I already did it earlier this morning. The next session is tomorrow at 8 am."

"Okay, but where's dad staying by the way?" Malik said.

"At a motel, it's not that bad. Apart from the roach that ran out of my room when the door opened."

"Am getting another call. I call you all back in a few minutes." Malik said and hung up not waiting for a response.

While my parents went back to talking to each other, I was observing the hospital room. Every monitor and all those things.

After a few minutes Malik called back.

"You said to tell you what ever happens to David. Now he looks like puffer fish." Malik started laughing then joined someone onto the call.

When the camera was put on David I immediately knew what he had eaten. His lips looked swell and cheeks were turning pink. Somebody gave him pineapples.

"What's up with David?" Mother asked us

"Somebody gave him pineapple." I muttered Unamused

It was pretty much my fault for not telling Rey not to give him that fruit.

"There is some allergy medicine in the smallest part of David's bag give him one tablespoon. With no water, that's only going to dilute the medicine."

I think I heard my mother laugh when I said the last part. She gave me some awful tasting liquids with no water when I was sick.

"What did you eat?" I ask David, when Rey gave the phone over to him.

"Daddy put fruit juice in my lunch kit, and when I drink it my tongue started to burn." He said rubbing his nose. He was still in his school uniform, PE gear to be specific.

"Tell daddy not to give you any more pineapple juice okay." I said to him and he nodded.

"Alright drink this," Rey's voice could be heard. David's eyes moved to the spoon in his hand.

Reluctantly David opened his mouth and drank the medicine. This one was actually more sweet than bitter, but still had a tangy taste.

"His lips will go down in probably the next hour." I said to the both of them. David's lip look like he had in lip fillersand on top of injections. "Do you wanna speak to grandma?" I asked unfolding my legs.

"Yes." He said seeming excited.

"Hello baby, how are you," My mom said as she took hold of my phone.

I took a seat on the other chair in the room, and left the grand parents speak to their grandchild. I ended up sleeping in the process.


Hey lovelies. Thank you for waiting patiently on the update. The book might be update every four days, instead of two, because of online classes. Thank you all for reading and voting.

Stay safe,

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