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It's been roughly three weeks from me being here. I honestly don't know why my parents couldn't continue chemotherapy in the Cayman Islands, but then again the US has some of the best health care. According to them.

The chemo didn't seem to help her at all. She looked weak and you could see it even though she tried to hide it. There was also something else she was keeping from me but she wasn't willing to share.

Today I was planning on annoying both my parents until they tell me something. I had to make a stop at somewhere they did foreign exchange. One dollar from Cayman would be $1.20 US. I asked Malik to send 500 to my account with no intention of paying him back.

I got up extra early so I could get to the hospital by 12 pm. I showered and did everything other hygienic thing needed. I got out of the shower and walked back to my room wrapped in a towel. I dug through the suitcase for something to wear. I finally decided on a pale pink shirt, with jeans that were slightly ripped and some white sneakers.

Tax was paid so I left the bank with $480

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Tax was paid so I left the bank with $480.50. (I legit just learnt this in Math class.😂) Thhe tax was 20 cents per dollar.

I hope this will last me until I'm ready to go back home. Also I tried calling David this morning the usual time when he would wake up and Rey didn't pick up. That was rude, but I'll try again later.

I grabbed my over shoulder bag and left waiting for my Uber. Tyreke dropped me off at the bank and left to go to work. The Uber arrived in 10 minutes.

I paid then entered the hospital. By now my mom was supposed to be out of chemo and my dad would go out to get something for himself to eat.

"You okay?" I asked her taking a seat at the end of the bed.

"I'm fine Grace," She said for the 100th time.

"Mom, is there something you're not telling me, and why?" I said not wanting to beat around the bush.

"Am not hiding anything, why would I?" She said to me but I could tell she was lying .

"Ma, you hid that you had cancer from me, for how long. I've watched movies and one and two documentaries. People with cancer don't look like this after a few chemo sessions." I told her looking down at my feet.

After sighing a bit she told me what was really wrong with her. "Grace the cancer. I- i- it's spreading, and I don't feel like I'll make it out of this hospital alive." She was braking down in tears.

Rey's POV

The news last night said there might be a power outage today. There was an all island power outage. My sisters were out probably getting their nails on hair done. Today would have been movie day at David's school, but how could you watch a movie without anything to plug the show into.

He killed his tablet hours ago, and wanted to do the same to my phone. When I said no he went to his room and dug around for his toys then carried them down stairs and made a mess of the living room floor.

30 minutes passed after this and he got bored of his cars and went into the kitchen. I heard shuffling and plastic opening he returned with a small cup of lucky charms and another with apple juice. I went into the kitchen and grabbed an apron and went to the laundry room  to find an old shirt that David could use in the kitchen.

I thought about what type of cosine I could make with him that would require a bit of baking. Pizza was the first thing that came to mind but I didn't bother to think too much on that. Then I remember croissants.

I waited for David to finish eating and then tossed him the shirt and said put it on. He eventually did and came into the kitchen. It looked as if he was wearing a dress, it was one of the twin's shirt. I guess I just spoiled one of their outfits but I could care less.

"We're gonna do some baking," I said putting him on the counter.

"What are we baking?" He said looking at what I took out from the fridge.

"Croissants," He still looked confused. There was no internet to google anything so I pulled up WhatsApp and found the Croissant emoji on it.

"Ok," He said grabbing the bowl and putting it between his legs.

We poured the flour in added sugar, small am out of salt and butter. He started mixing messing up the whole place while I adding in the yeast, milk and water.

"Do you want chocolate or fruit in them or leave it as it is?" I asked him.

He thought for a while before responding with all three.

I molded the dough and rolled up a few that would stay as it is. I went to the fridge to find fruit that could fit into them. I had strawberries but no chocolate. We ran to the store and purchased a few items, grabbing a few other things as well. I took David out of the trolley and told him he could pick up two items. That either had 5 or below 5 on the price.

This boy is going to be an honor roll student. He found this toyish food looking thing for $7and a snack that was on a special offer that came with a box juice for $3. It was when we got home I found out he couldn't drink the juice. I almost laughed at him when he saw it was pineapple flavored.

We got back to finishing up or dish. I grabbed the rolling pin and allowed him to roll it while I made a liquid to coat it in. It was egg and lemon. I cut the dough into medium sized pieces and rolled chocolate and fruits into them.

I let David put them in the oven while I set the timer. My back was towards him when he climbed back onto the counter. The next thing I felt was a hand full of flour being slammed onto my face and laughter being heard behind me. I put down the timer and grabbed some for myself and threw it at him. Before I could even move to take some flour he moved to the further side of the counter. And this boy rolled right off and now was in pain.

He started crying and holding his head. I rushed over to him and picked him up. Grabbing ice that I could find in the freezer I placed them into a kitchen towel and placed it on his head where he was holding.

When the pain died down he went to sleep, which was 30 minutes after his fall. The timer I had set went off. I woke him up, and he sniffed his nose. We went back into the kitchen and got the croissants out of the oven. I got milk from the fridge for my self and made David's milk from the powdered form. I have him cold milk box in his cereal and he didn't drink it.

So I use regular milk when things overpower the flavour of the milk. David took the glasses to the coffee table in the living room while I carried out the croissants after sprinkling powder sugar over it.

When we finished we were both full and feel asleep on the same spot on the floor. I was on my back and David leaned his head on my chest.

When I got up Alexandra blew up my phone with videos and pictures, from when David and I were in the kitchen, to when he fell and when we fell asleep. I didn't even hear the front door open. And I had 5 miss calls from Grace.

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