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We returned home a few days ago then grandpa asked mommy if he could get us for a few days. After those few days we spent the rest of the week with uncle Malik

Going from house to house was exhausting but I was glad when I got to go to uncle Malik because then I could maybe start my plan. He was most likely to help me.

Bella got sick of all the moving up and down so mommy had to come and collect her the first day we came to uncle Malik.

"What do you want to do this weekend?" He asked sitting at the other end of the couch and putting a bowl filled with chips and a small dish of chips.

"I want to get mommy and daddy drunk." I told him.

"Ge- what why?." He said scrolling through movies on Netflix for us to watch.

"Well all they do now is kind of argue. And I need some way to get them back together, obviously whatever I did in the past they won't fall for again. And I remember some movies say a drunk man doesn't lie. So if they get drunk... Something. Yeah something will happen and whatever happens hopefully will cause them to live happily ever after. Like the Disney Princess movies. And you're gonna help me. "

"There adults can deal with their own problems." Malik said, grabbing the remote for us to watch.

"Let's make a deal. H-

"I'm not making no deal with you. You're gonna rob me."

"Just listen. Let's way a week or two passes and if they're still at each other's throats instead of in each other's arms you help me get them drunk. I'll... I'll wash dishes everytime I'm here." I said to him because that's the only thing I thought I could do.

"And if they do get in each other's arms in those two weeks I'll give you $20 and we go to anyplace of your liking to spend it."

"We have a deal. Can you write anything close to how mommy writes?"

Two weeks

↑↑•Nova Cambridge•

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Nova Cambridge

I had gotten two other people in on my plan. Three if you count Nova, but she can't really do anything but sit still and do her. Uncle A said that he'd help getting mommy drunk. He said he'd attempt baking a cake and load it with alcohol just enough to get someone drunk.

He told me she was light headed. I had no idea what that meant and he didn't want to tell me. Aunty Yara said she wanted to help but wasn't able to really do anything because she had an important thing to plan for. Malik said he would somehow get daddy drunk.

I patiently wait for the both of them trying to focus on my game while making sure Nova doesn't try to hit Isabella like the last time. "Dayid" She called me. She couldn't pronounce v so my name would be Dayid until she can.

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