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"Momma why am I not going to daddy's house?"  David asked kicking his feet on his bed.

"You are going next weekend, and you can stay a bit longer." I told him while tying his shoe lace.

Since this was the last Sunday before my mother went away to do her treatment. And David has been annoying me from Friday morning asking why he won't be going to Rey's place. One of the main reason he's asking is because he can have his own way when he's there.

My mother's idea was to go to this expensive restaurant for dinner. I wasn't going to fight her on the option, because she was going to be spending probably months on hospital food. 

David wore a grey dress pants and a blue button down shirt. He recently got a hair cut, but his hair grows back too fast. If he was ever a girl I'd do his hair everyday.

I wore a set of grey ankle strap pair of heels, a grey long sleeved top

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I wore a set of grey ankle strap pair of heels, a grey long sleeved top. Along with a long peach pink pleated skirt, I wore a peach ring and earring as jewelry and my grey snake skin purse. I got my got my hair braided the other day, so I up it up in a bun.

When we left the room, everyone was there waiting me mom to come out of her room. A few minutes later she walked out. She wore a pair of black kitten heels and a black Floral dress. Her greying hair was neatly placed into a low bun, with golden clips on the part that was swooped. She wore a gold necklace and bracelet.

My mother's sister was her as well. Auntie Tina was in clothes similar to my mother's. Her dress and shoes was white with silver jewelry. Tina cut her hair years ago. She said she didn't like it on her skin.

We all left in the same vehicle. It was a bit tight. I had David on my lap in between my aunt and my brother. I decided to do something on my phone, so I took it out of my purse. I pressed the home button as soon as light came on the screen. The phone notified me it was below 15 percent. Cursing under my breath I put the phone back in my purse.

Everyone got out of the car, me being in pain from being crammed with a 40 something pounds on my leg.

We got into the restaurant, found our table and started ordering. After ordering we talked for a while when waiting for the food. The cuisine was delicious. I got distracted by something on Malik's phone ignoring the laughing from the other adults at the table. When I turned back around my whine glass was half empty and David dying of coughing.

This boy just drank half my red wine, and he is 14 years too young to be drinking this. I picked up the water and let him drink it while patting his back. I shouldn't even be looking at him, but am not heartless.

He calmed down after a few minutes. When we leave here he's gonna be knocked out cold. All the better for me he'll be going to sleep earlier.

Mom was over there laughing her butt off at her grandson. She put a piece of her crab legs in her mouth and then started chocking on it. All attention was brought to our table. My father brought water to her head while patting on her back. She calmed down a bit putting her hand over her mouth to wipe away the water. She looked at her hand and her eyes widened but quickly returned to her neutral face.

"Is something wrong?" I asked her but she shakedown her head no. And went back to eating. Mom picked around with her food before she started coughing again. This time whatever she was trying to hide came out. She cough up blood.

My father hurried and brought her to the car not waiting for the rest of us. We obviously couldn't do anything because we came in one car.

"Anyone else know someone with a car?" Aunt Tina asked me and Malik.

"I'll call Blake." I told them. Pulling out my dying phone I called his number.

After two rings the phone was answered, buy Alejandra.

"Hey Grace what's up?" She asked me.

"Could you or your brother come and pick me up. I have two other people with me."

"Sure where are you guys at?"

"Carmel Restaurant down town."

"Okay one of us will meet you there."

Twenty minutes of waiting my phone rang again, but before I could answer the phone died.

David was half conscious, by the time they arrived. This wine must have really been strong.

Rey was the only e who had came to pick us up. He wanted to take David from me but I said no he'd be driving. I let him drop us off back at my house.  He was going to get David tomorrow because after my parents flight in the morning, I'd be leaving in the afternoon.

He dropped us off then parted ways. Immediately after I got in my car and drove to the hospital that was near the restaurant. When I got there I found out my mother was in the intensive care unit...

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