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Stage three. My mother had stage three lung cancer. It was a good sign it want a stage four, but still. Why didn't she tell me.

"To get better treatment for it I'm going to go to the US. Your father is coming along with me." Mother confrimed to us.

"We're coming with you," Malik and I said in union.

"No! You two will be staying here, I'll be fine. We'd call you if anything happens. Besides you have David to look after and you have Julia" My mother said creasing Malik's since he was right beside her.

"No I don't have her, she wasn't pregnant in the first place, and Grace took care of that."

"What stage are you at?" I asked her, the room went silent.

After a few minutes my mother replied with, "It's at stage 3, that's why am going to the states to get chemotherapy."

"So how long did you have it?" I asked her yet another question. If it's at stage three then she must have had it for a while now and not telling us.

"I got it a little while after I had you two. They detected it and treated it. It came back again when the both of you were around five. It was at stage one then up until you were about 12. They treated it and it came back again when you guys hit your twenties. And now it's here again." My mother said as if it was nothing, but her voice did crack a few times.

"Why did you wait this long to tell us?" Malik asked before I could ask anymore questions

"She didn't want to worry you two. The both of you were focused on your education." My father said butting in.

"One more question," I said to the both of them before they got up. "Is the cancer hereditary?"

"Unfortunately yes it is, so you both are at risk of getting it. Your father and I are going to be leaving for the states within a week. None of you are coming with us and that's final." My mother said before they both exited the room.

Malik and I left to go around the back of the house. Even though our parents said we aren't going with them, doesn't mean we have to listen. There was a chair under this big cherry tree in our yard so we sat on it and started the discussion.

"Who's secretly going with them?" I asked Malik before sitting opposite to him.

"You are," he told me. I'm surprised he wants me to go instead of him.

"You sure," I asked with a raised brow.

He nods explaining I'd be more responsible with this. We agreed that we would call when ever I would be going to visit her. David was the farthest from my mind at the moment.

"Malik if you don't remember I got a son, I can't just leave him like that."

"And your son's got a father, uncle and godfather. Aunts too, he'll be fine." Malik said reassuring me.

It's not like am leaving him with idiots. Well technically am not, but I don't want to leave him. And I don't want to drag him from school either.

"When I collect David tomorrow I'll tell him about it but not the exact reason."

"It's 8 am and we both got work in an hour I'd advice you to start getting ready." I nodded at him and left to my room, while he bombarded himself with thoughts.

I didn't start working until 10 so I dragged one of the suitcases from under my bed and started filling it with clothes and other necessities. I got dressed and left for work.

I could barely focus on what I was doing. Alex even dropped by and I wasn't in the mood to talk to him either. That day slowly and painfully came to an end.

The next day I threw on a turban and a peach sundress, to meet up and collect David.

"Rey if you were supposed to keep David a little while longer than usual would you mind?" I asked him politely.

"No I wouldn't and why'd you ask." He said picking up weights. He arranged for me to pick up David a gym.

"My mother is going to the states to get chemo and she doesn't want me or my brother to come along with her. But we aren't going to listen to her, so I'm going a day after them. And I don't know how long the therapy will last." I told him the truth but skipping the part of her having cancer.

"Why does she need chemotherapy?" He asked, his voice sounded sincer but I wasn't ready to tell him why.

"She has stage 3 lung cancer." I blurted out like I didn't just tell myself I wasn't going to tell him. I internally face palmed myself.

His lip fromed an 'O' shape. "I don't mind keeping him, I hope your mother gets better."

"Where's the bathroom?" We were interrupted by David. I brought him to the bathroom then we said bye to his father then left him to do his work out thing.

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