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I'm currently upstairs packing a small bag for David. After getting Rey's response I got a little overjoyed and well. I kinda sorta kiss him. 10 minutes ago we just finished discussing to David that Rey was his father. He held a facial expression telling you I already knew that, but he covered it with his charming smile.

Rey on the other hand as what he said to me when we meet the second time, that he agreed on do co-parenting. We discussed a lot in the 20 minutes we were seated in my backyard. He offered to take David for the weekend.

I reminded him that he had school tomorrow, he offered to drop him off at school tomorrow, David was about to run of to his room to throw things in a bag, before I grabbed him by the shirt and told him I'd do it.

While I was packing, I managed to call Alex. "Hello." He said into the phone clearing his throat.

"I got good news!" I said placing David's uniform in the bag after folding them neatly.

"Go ahead." He told with a mouthful, which he knew I found annoying.

"Re- Blake is here the results came back positive and he agreed to co-parenting. All that happen in like 30 minutes. And now David and him are spending the weekend together." I basically yelled in the phone while talking really fast.

"How did he get the results when he refused to take the test?" Alex asked slurping up juice.

"He was out of the country. All I did was carried his saliva to my doctor, she ran the test. And then his sisters shipped it out of the country."

"May I ask how you got his s-p-i-t.?"

I laughed a bit at the question he just asked then responded with a no. David's bag was packed by the time my call ended. I wasn't going to call Malik right away, he was with one of his friends to celebrate their Bachlor party for today. While my parents were reliving their honeymoon on a tropical island for the past week.

I wasn't the most social person so I didn't really have anyone else to call. Going back into the living room I handed Rey the bag, David yelled bye to me and Rey told me an awkward see you Monday.

I was left alone in the house not knowing what to do, so I drove to Alex's house. Malik wasn't at work, so Yara probably wasn't either. So why not get to know my best friend's girlfriend.

She was at work, not physically though. Yara was busy doing all the work that Malik had for today and tomorrow. The poor girl. I did spend a few hours at their house, and 1 hour more when Alex came home.

My house was empty. When I reached home, I took a shower and walked around in a robe. I turned on the TV to catch up on the last few episodes of of Orange is the new Black. I eventually fell asleep on the couch.

I woke up to the a crawling ish feeling on my arm. When I looked down my arms were on top of the plastic box of ordered food. That covered with ants. Immediately springing to my feet I carried the box to the bin. I washed my hands over the kitchen sink, I grabbed the broom and exited then kitchen.

Rey's POV

After I told Grace that my answer was yes, she got a bit too excited and pecked my lips. After she realized what she did she backed away and said let's go to the house. We told David that I was his father.

The little guy actually came to meet me, after I spoke to him. I didn't expect him to actually come through he did. I offered for him to spend the weekend with him which Grace agreed.

I didn't tell anyone I was back. Especially my sisters, they would ask me to carry back some expensive unnecessary stuff to pack and carry back for them. When I pulled up in the driveway I saw Alejandra walking out of Leonardo's living quarters. She looked at my car and shock came on her face, and she past a innocent smile my way and waved.

The automatic gates opened and I drove in and parked my car. I grabbed the two bags. And opens the door for David since child's lock was on it.

Alejandra looked shock to see me walking with David and also carrying a spiderman bag. Alexandra just walked from behind the house carrying their dog who was covered in mud. David let go of my hand and ran over to the dog and Alejandra grabbed him by his shirt before he was able to get any further.

I looked at her with a raised brow, and she responded with "Allergic".

David pouted and followed us inside. I'll catch up with Leonardo later. When he saw the 75 inch TV he took the remote and immediately found the channel his cartoon was on.

"So the results came back positive." Alexandra said holding the dog away from her shirt.

"Why else would this idiot take him." Alejandra told her in a duh tone.

"You two spend time with him. I'm going interrogate Leonardo" Alejandra facial expression changed but fixed it back soon after. I left out of the house and went knocking on his front door.

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