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David's POV

Mr journal

Bella was sick for 2 weeks. Mommy said it had something to do with her ear but now she's healthy and active once again. It was two weeks of a high fevers, easily irritated, wake up in the middle of the night little sister.

She's active and using her creeping skills. It's  a good thing and a bad thing. Now the whole house is baby  proofed, I can't even get a snack without asking for help. Recently she made a mess if the kitchen throwing flour every where. One weekend we were supposed to be going over to daddy's house but mommy sent me alone because Bella had to go to the doctor. I also kinda think mommy and daddy like each other, but are scared to admit. I mean, if I like someone, I go and tell them. Well I haven't done that as yer, but she their the grown ups.

I thought Bella was all better, but she is not from what I understand from the conversation mommy and daddy had. I might have eased dropped but they will never know.

"Ray if Bella should go deaf-

"She won't go deaf because we can take her to get treatments before her ear gets worse."

"If she should go deaf. I don't want the last time she remembers our voice it's to be us arguing. So for her sake let's try and make things work between us one last time."

"Why do you think she would go deaf. The doctor said she could get speech impediment."

"I know Isabella won't get a speech impediment because before she was six months old, she was able to say her first words clearly too. While with David he didn't say anything until he was nearing one."

The conversation continued like that. The next day mommy and daddy were acting weird. I swear I saw Bella look them from head to toe with a weirded out look on her face. I feel like mommy the likes daddy and daddy likes mommy but they are both scared to say it. I have one more arrow left left to shoot and I'm going to shot to make sure that this one doesn't miss. I might need Bella's help too. "Mr. Love coach had returned from his 3 year vacation this time with a side kick.

I placed my journal back on the top shelf of the closet somewhere, where mommy would never look. Anytime soon that is. It's where the clothes I don't wear because their bigger than me are.

Hello, beautiful people thank you for patiently waiting on my updatem I do hope you enjoy this chapter. My exams aren't finished yet, but I don't have on Friday and Monday, so I'll try to put out an update on one of those days until next chapter

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