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"Momma come here," I said so she could come pick up David. I worked as a Manager for one of the small hotels my parents own.

"Grace why don't you work as the PA with Malik?" My mom asked me once again.

"I see Malik almost everyday. If we work in the same facility there will be more arguing than work done. Plus there's nothing wrong with running the hotel." I said sitting next to her.

When I told my mom I was you know... had cake in the oven. I was lectured almost everyday. I still lived with them, I'll move out if and when I get married. The house is big enough for us all, so I won't be getting in their way.

I looked at the time it was now 10am. I'm the boss I can be late if I want to. "Momma I'm going to get ready, you're keeping David.

"Na Nah I'm not young lady I have a spa appointment in 2 hours." She said getting up heading to the door.

"Please Ma please, how can you say no to your little angel?" I said standing in her way.

"I'll go get him ready to go to work with you. Go get dressed!" she said pushing me away from the door.

Once she left I removed my robe and walked over to my closet. I came out wearing a denim button front skirt that stopped below my knees and a white sweetheart neckline blouse. I slipped on white slipons.

I grabbed my handbag and met mom in the hallway. She gave me David to me along with a bag with all his nessities. He was up all night so he's going to sleep most of the day.

After securing him in his car seat I got in the driver's side and drove to Mariposa. The name of the hotel is in spanish because it was bought from a spanish family. I think it means butterfly.

When I got to my office David was up already. I gave him his water bottle and my phone for him to go on youtube. I had a lot of paper work to do anyway.

30 minutes he said he was hungry. I stopped what I was doing and walked to the restaurant.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked as we made our way across the lawn.

"Macand cheese." He said and started running.

"David stop the running." I said jogging up to his side. "And you can't have Mac and cheese for breakfast. How bout omelette, bacon and toast?"

"Okay," He said and start running again.

I don't need exercise but I can't let him run here because those golf cart drive around here. And just as I thought it one of them came driving down. I wasn't close to him so I picked up on my slow speed to go to him. "David stop!" I yelled.

David was about to run right into the golf cart, when some guy picked him up out of the way. The guy had dark brown hair, a built structure and pale skin. I couldn't see his eyes he had on sunglasses. Filled with muscles like he goes to most of the week. He was 6ft something giant.

When I finally got to him I thanked the guy. I took David from him ready to lecture a 3 year old. "Thank you so much, I owe you a favour." I said to him.

"No problem, be careful next time, you don't need to pay me back anything." His voice had a small accent to it.

"How long are you staying here?" I asked him, I had to pay back some how.

"One more week," He said with an eyebrow raised.

"Mommy I'm hungry!" David began to whine.

"What's your name?" I asked him before I left.

"Blake Lewis," he said before I walked off and waved to him.

David ate most of his food before he was ready to go back inside. David made a mess of my office with his toys, meanwhile I was going through the guest list at the hotel. Blake Lewis was at number 233 out of 350. I figured why not give him a stay half price because of what he did.

The notification will be sent to him and I deposited back half of the money he paid for his stay. But after a while of staring at his face on my laptop screen I pictured a younger version of him. And I pictured the same boy from my 20th birthday. That man might have just saved his own son.

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