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"Grace how the hell is a gun on the property. You need to up the security." Malik said bursting into my office looking as if he just ran a marathon.

"All bags went through a metal detector," I said shrugging.

"Yeah well I was about get down to business with yo baby daddy and he pulled out a gun." He said shaking my shoulders.

"I didn't even show you his picture." I replied to him.

"You can see David in him, didn't need one." He said grabbing my water bottle.

"So what are we going to do about him?" Alex asked watching us from the corner of the room.

"I don't know you were the one who called mom and mom called him." I said crossing his arm.

After the boys left my office, I started browsing through the internet. A report somehow put into my vision. Rey Lopez, etc. etc. Just then an idea popped into my empty head. My child's father could be a criminal, isn't that lovely.

If he didn't agree well, I'd let him go free but he would have atleast say something to David. I smiled to my self.

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When I got home I waited for about an hour before I changed into some comfy going out clothes. I put on some black joggers with a sports top and pulled out my white sneakers.

"Mom, I'm going to meet up with Alex I'm coming back around 8!" I yelled and grabbed my car keys.

"Momma can I come?" David asked running to me. I looked at him for a moment then just nodded and picked him up.

We arrived to the hotel under 20 minutes. "Is Uncle A here?" He asked looking out the window.

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked him he nodded, "Uncle A isn't her but Mommy had some business to handle."

We walked past the front desk. The staff was looking at me for my unprofessional attire, I didn't care at the moment. I memorized Blake's hotel number.

I started coughing as I made my way to his room. The rules said no smoking. I took my rag and covered my nose, David followed suit.

I was about to knock on the door but David beat me to it. Blake came and answered the door. He was dressed in sweats only, leaving him shirtless.

I cleared my throat, "We need to talk." I said staring at him.

"There's nothing to talk about!" He said ready to close the door.

"Rey Lopez which I assumed would be you the most wanted in Italy since 2009. I wonder what happened to that case. If you close this door I will cal-"

Blake stopped in his tracks and turned to me. "What do you want?" He asked clearly getting pissed.

David was usually asleep by this time he started to motion for me to pick him up. I did so he immediately buried his head in my neck and his hand was placed on my breast.

Blake stated at the exchange before shaking his head and grabbed a shirt. "Talk," is all he said.

"I will let you go free walking right out of my hotel without any trouble on one condition."

"Name your price," He said reaching into his pocket for what I assume is a wallet. Who has a wallet in swears while at home. Well in a hotel room.

"I don't want any money from you. I've been doing fine without it for three years. What I want is for you to atleast to do is try to make a bond with him, or atleast try to do something for him. Because you have a son." I said looking around.

"And even makes you think that that's my kid. I've been sticked with a needle countless times for a bunch of women who claim their kid is mine I won't let that mistake happen again!"

"You were at a 20 year olds party three years ago at a beach house off the coast of Grand Cayman. Gave me your supposedly fake name 'Blake' did stuff. And you magically disappeared the next morning."

"I've been to many parties," He said nonchalantly. He really wasn't interested. I thought finding him now would have made these five months easier, guess I was wrong.

"And what if I'm telling the truth."

"Look you're a nice person. I'll spend the day with your kid, just set the date, I'll be there and after that I don't want nothing to do with you or your kid."

"This date is a few months away but I'll set the day as December 28."

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Hey my lovely readers I'm changing Rey Lopez aka Blake Lewis so that's his new look

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Hey my lovely readers I'm changing Rey Lopez aka Blake Lewis so that's his new look. Thanks for your votes and view. Until next time

❤Love yall❤

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