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Yea am on Tuesday I supposedly published chapter 12. Well my writers block the other day took my ability to count and allowed me to forget the number eight. But entiways on with the chapter.

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rєч'ѕ pσv
My father me back in Italy for some unknown reason. Usually when he calls me back home, he wants me to bring the twins but this time, he told me to leave them. Even if they were coming they wouldn't really understand what the people around them are saying. My father made me learn every language that his allies spoke, while Alejandra and Alexandra only learnt Spanish and English.

As I was walking by Alejandra's room I heard her having a conversation on the phone. The door was slightly ajar, I was planning on leaving and not ease drop. That's until I heard Grace's name being mentioned.

What the hell are they up to? I asked myself as I saw her hang up.

"Rey you know I can see you right?" Alejandra said with her back turned to me.

"Why were you talking to her about me?" I asked fully opening the door.

"No reason," She shrugged her shoulders brushing me off.

"Alejandra Emila Lopez, what were you and Grace talking about?" I said demanding an answer. Her dog was barking at me from the corner of the room.

"You're going to have to ask her your self Rey Javier Lopez." She said back to me with the same tone.

"Will you both stop it!" Alexandra yelled at us both. If I was supposed to have a favorite sister it would more than likely be her.

I opened my mouth to answer, but an incoming call stopped me. I looked at the callers I'D, it was my father so I excused myself from Alejandra's room to answer it. I heard the knob in the door close as I answered the phone.

I wasn't about to yell at her with my father present on a call. "Your flight leaves tomorrow at 7 I expect you to arrive by 6 the latest." He said with his deep voice in the phone.

"Yes, sir." I answered him, if I was to be disrespectful with him. No matter what age I'll be he'd beat the living crap out of me.

"Put your sisters on the phone." He said to me. I nodded even though he wouldn't be able to see me.

"Alejandra open the door, father's on the phone." I said knocking.

"Slide it underneath the door." I made sure to turn the phone off while Father was on the call.

From the last time of them scrolling through my messages I put on a password.

Later that day

After I stuffed clothes into a duffle bag, I went to the living room to go watch TV, because that TV was bigger than the one I had in my room. The twins came downstairs, looking suspicious as usual. I glanced at them from the corer of my eye, they went into the kitchen.

When I was about to doze off in the couch I felt a powerful blow to my cheek. I tasted blood in my mouth which I was going to spit out to the side, but it was caught in a plastic cup.

"Di che camp si trattava!" "what tf was that about!" I yelled at them getting up from the couch.

"We just needed it." Alexandra said before the both of them ran to the door with the cup in their hand.

These girls are getting on top of my nerves.

grαcє'ѕ pσv

While I was preparing dinner, because today it was my turn to cook. There was a urgent knocking on the front door.Dad was dead to the world passed out on the sofa while Mom was doing laundry.

"David!" I said draining the water of the rice I just washed. He came into the kitchen, with a sweet that he carried from school. I really need to check his school bag more often. "Go open the front door."

He ran off to the door, and minutes later he came back with both Alejandra and Alexandra. Surprisingly they weren't matching today. That's odd.

"We got both!" They said then one of them put a plastic cup on the counter.

"May I ask how you got it?" I said putting the rice into the pot.

"Just know we bust our butts to get this. But he's going to be leaving tomorrow so, we're partly okay." Alexandra answered by rambling.

I put the seasoning seasoning down and dried my hands. I took up the cup and placed it behind the bin, so none would see it. When we were in my room after I dragged them both with me. I demanded that they tell me how the got it. They did some messed up play, but I commended them.

Then I smelt the rice on the stove that was burning

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