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After I told Rey slash Blake that we met couple years back, he was out of the cafe two minutes later. I had some of his personal information because he is a guest of the hotel.

David is going to go to school tomorrow which is Monday. Which is two days from now.
I sat back in my office chair thinking of what my plans were for this year. I need to find David's father, which I did. But then he walked out well he was in shock.

I don't know if he will just believe me like that. He will need to really know what I say is true. But he looks like him, I doubt he saw that. But his words rang through my head.

"If she's pretty i'll give the relationship thing a try. But if she's ugly I would pay child support." That's not exactly what he said, but the twisted side of me where all my insecurities lived wanted me to think that.

A notification was sent to my laptop about one of the guest leaving early. Blake wanted to leave. A tear nearly came to my eye.

I walked over to the window and looked outside. So happens that I saw down the pool area of the hotel. I spotted a family in the pool. The dad had his daughter on his shoulders while the Mom had the son on hers. They were playing chicken fight. I smiled at them, and watched for a while before someone came into my office.

"What you staring at?" I heard Alex's voice in the background.

"Nothing!" I said turning my head to him plastering a fake smile on my face.

"Grace I know you better than you know yourself. That smile is fake, what's wrong?" He asked pulling me in to a hug.

"Well I confronted the Mr. David's Dad with the fact that he's the father about an hour ago, and now he's leaving the hotel." I said with a frown on my face.

"Well I brought you lunch. I know it's best to give stuff straight forward but next time beat around the bush a little." He said sitting on my desk.

"Thanks," I said staring down at the sea food he placed before me.

"Don't beat yourself up. You have basically 5 months and couple days left." He said cheering me up. "When's he leaving?" Alex asked with a mouth full of food.

"Tomorrow afternoon." I said playing around with the food.

"Well we got some convincing to do." He said picking up the soda. "When are you going to tell your parents?"

"Maybe tonight. Alex please refrain from talking with your mouthful I might lose my appetite.

"Give me your phone," He said after whiping his hand in the napkin. I handed him my phone hesitantly. He went on something but I paid him no mind.

"Mrs. Dixon is Mr. Dixon around?" I looked up at him with a raised brow.
He nodded his head to something she said. "Put the phone on speaker."

"Yeah Grace got some news she probably was gonna keep to herself so let me be the hero and tell you guys."


"Yea she just meet David's dad and he probably thought she was being delusional." He said it really fast while walking out of my office. I didn't have a chance to stop him.

He came back into my office five minutes later and gave me my phone. I was giving him the famous death glare. "I hate you," I mumbled grabbing the phone from his hand.

"Your parents can't come so Malik is on his way here maybe with David." He said disposing of the food boxes.

I am going to hurt him. I put my head on the desk stressing out.

"You could atleast say thank you." Alex said to me. I was ready to argue with him when he stated a valid point. "If it wasn't for me you'd let him walk right out of the hotel. And my Godson wouldn't have a father for the rest of his life, and or youd be beating yourself up about it."

I sighed he was right. I was going to let him walk right out of the hotel.

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After that unfortunate meeting with the owner of the hotel. I decided to leave. She's not the first woman who has come to me claiming I'm their kids father and then when we went to the doctor all the DNA results came out the same. Negative. I was not going to let another woman play me.

She does look like she was telling the truth, but I won't let anyone play me. And you can't have a kid right now. Especially when my uncle is a lovesick maniac over my mother.

After an moment of thought I got up and started throwing clothes back into my suitcase. I was going to leave this place.

I had one question though. How far did she dig to find my real name. Then I remembered she said something about instagram. I didn't post anything I left that all to the twins. I was tired of their antics but I rolled my eyes and scrolled through their page reading the captions.

And under the one that I member was about a month ago when I went home drunk and was passed out, they gave me a makeover. I saw my Rey under it. I groaned and slammed my hand on the vanity in the room. How could they make a mistake like that.

I requested to leave the hotel and went out back to go smoke. They said no smoking I didn't care about it. I was encountered by a medium skin tone freckled face man who looked to be the same age as the manger with similar features.

"Can I help you?" I asked him nonchalantly.

"Why won't you take responsibility for your own kid?" He said responding with another question.

"Cuz that kid isn't mine."

"And what if he is?" He yelled in my face his minty breath hitting my eyes.

"I have places to be," I said stepping aside which he followed.

This continued until I got annoyed and looked around for any cameras when I saw none I pulled out the gun from my waist band and threatened him. He put his hands up in surrender and moved aside.

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