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Rey's POV

"Rey, dad's calling you. He wants you in his office." I heard my brother from the other side of my bathroom door.

"Tell him I'll be there in 5," I heard him say a small okay before his footsteps became distant.

I slipped out of the shower and go throw on some pants and a tee before walking over to the office. The Walnut double doors. I knocked on them before turning the golden looking knob.

"This came in from your sisters." He said throwing an open envelope across the Mahagoney desk. I looked at the envelope for a while before taking it up. I took out the contents of the letter then taking the seat in front of my father.

There was a printed document along with a neatly folded folder leaf. I took up the folder leaf first, gazing over it at the bottom said Grace Dixon.

Rey Lopez

The other paper with this one is a DNA test. Thanks to the help of Alexandra and Alejandra I managed to be able to do the test. I don't know what the results on the test were. If it's positive that you are the father, that's good news. I won't be pressuring you into anything you don't want. If you don't want accept the fact that you are David's father, that's your choice. At least I knew I tried to get in touch with who ever he is. If by any chance they results are negative. Well I'm sorry for brothing you. I'm sorry for pushing the fact that you we're my son's father. But if they do come saying you are the father, I hope you come to you senses and realize that I was not lying after all.

Grace Dixon

After reading that I neatly folded back the piece of paper moving over to the other one. I skipped over most of the sentences, getting straight to the piont

The alleged father is not excluded as the biological father of the tested child. Based on the testing results obtained from anayles of the Blake Lewis the probability of the paternity is 97.9998%. The probability of the paternity is calculated by comparing of an untested, unrelated random individual of the Caucasian populations (assumes prior probability equals 0.50)

Probability of Paternity: 97.9998

I stared at the piece of paper in my hand for a moment before my father spoke up. "From when has this woman been telling you about this child?"

"Since last August when. I stayed at the Mariposa hotel. I didn't take her seriously. But she continued to bug me about it." I responded truthfully.

"How old is the child?"

"Around 4."

"How does the child look. And also explain to me why you thought Grace was lying."

"My phone isn't with me. Why I thought she was lying is because the same situation happened two time before , both women were lying. And yes I didn't tell you about it."

"I see but anything you do is reported back to me. So I already knew." He said and then a small chuckle played on my fathers blank expression. I didn't understand why.

"It's runs in the Lopez blood," Is all he said to me making me look at him dumbfounded. "It happened with every Lopez male counterparts in the family except for Tonio. But the thing is you were the one dumb enough to push it aside." He said to me laughing.

I didn't see the need to laugh when he just called me dumb. "You are going to spend the rest of the week here. And then you will go back to Cayman Island's to go to the girl. And so help you if you deny that child after the proof is still in front of you." My father told me shifting from laughter to a stern voice. I mouthed a yes sir.

"What does she mean by the girls helping her." He said getting up from his chair

"Am... Alejandra has a nice punch and Alexandra fast legs. The punch she threw me cut my gum and whatever and out of no where it was caught in a cup."

After our talk. Tonio dragged me to a restaurant to show me his girlfriend. I didn't believe him at first but then when we arrived I saw that he actually had one. And I'm third wheeling as American's say.

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