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A little over two years later

Time flies by so fast. David is now seven full of attitude and Isabella is now five months. Who is Isabella you may ask. She's David's sister, from the same mother and father. And the father isn't even in her life, kind of feels David repeating all over.

Shortly after Rey came to drop David, he disappeared. No call, no text, he wasn't at his house, just gone. David avoided talk about him after the first month because he lost hope of him coming back. I think it's because he remembers he wasn't there for the majority of his life and when he finally got a father he walked right back out of his life. Also my house burned down on a Sunday, while we were at a parents day event.

A nice two bedroom home. A little bit away from everyone I know but I needed space and time to think. My phone broke me out of my thoughts when I heard my ringtone.

"Hello?" I asked because I wasn't sure who was calling me.

"You would not believe who was at my door asking for you this morning." Malik said to me.

"Who was at your door?"

"Your baby daddy. I told him you disappeared off the face of the Earth with David since last month."

"Well he can go back to whichever depts of the earth he crawled from." I said as I poured Cheerios onto the high chair for Bella to eat.

"I think he may or may not go by your hotel today."

"Well I guess no work for me today." I said making a bowl of cereal for David. "David!"

"I see you're busy I'll call you later. Bye love you." Mailk said hanging up before I said another word.

"Coming!" He shouted back at me, then coming to the kitchen a minute later.

"Bella eat it and stop throwing it." I said after seeing my tea splash when the cheerio fell in it.

She only laughed in the process and threw another. She passed gas and looked at her brother and I with an innocent face, then offered me one of the Cheerios on the table.

Isabella has 50 percent hearing loss, her favorite thing to do is watch hot cross buns at annoyingly high volume when other people are in the room. And very mischievous.

After about 15 minutes,the three of us were out of the houseI dropped David off at school, and then drove Isabella to the ENT doctor to sort out hearing aids for her.

Rey's POV

. My uncle was locked up for life in prisonment without parole. Took a whole year for that to happen but I'm glad it did.

After a whole year, I decided to come back to where I basically lived my life since I was 18. I took the first day to cool down and the second day to visit David.

It was a different exterior here from the last time I had been here which was when I dropped David off last year. I knocked on the door but a bunch of strangers answered it.

They told me after the house burnt down the previous owner moved out. I knew where Mailk lived so I went there next. He had told me that Grace had disappeared with David a month ago.

Next I went to David's godfather's house. Yara was the one who answered the door, but slammed it shut when she saw me.

Then I heard hushed whispers behind the door. "You answer back the door and say she disappeared and don't mention a word about Bella." I heard the feminine voice say. "Just leave him there, he'll go away soon. Fine." I heard Alex say then the door opened.

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