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•Yara Edwards•

After dropping David off at school, I decided to stop by at Alex's house before going to work. It was a simple two bedroom house with a large yard. I parked in the driveway then shut off my Mustang. I wasn't going to knock on the door but it was locked when I went to open it. When I did knock the door a woman opened it. She looked awful lot like Malik's PA.

"Whose at the door?" I hear Alex's voice, then he walked into view from the corner of this eye wearing basketball shorts.

The woman turned back to answer him, but I answered for her. "Why don't you come look," I said in a most masculine tone I could come up with, my attempt was not bad but it wasn't good either.

The woman walked back inside when Alex came to the door and placed a kiss on her cheek. I assume this was the 'girlfriend'

"What do I owe the pleasure of this unexpected visit." He asked with a raised brow.

"Is that your 'girlfriend'." was the first thing I asked putting emphasis on the girlfriend word.

"Yes she is. Her name is Yara, she actually works your brother." He said taking a seat with me on his front porch.

I placed my hand over my heart and the other one whipping fake tears, "She's too beautiful for your ugly arse." He glared at me in the process.

"Atleast I got someone," He said mocking my actions. I rolled my eyes at him. "What can I help you with today Ms. Dixon?" He asked in a genuine tone.

"Yesterday I was watching Paternity Court-" I was cut of by him looking at me like am insane.

"You drove from your house to my house to tell me about a shoe slash movie. I'm used to you filling up my notifications with it."

"You don't even know what it is. So yesterday I while I was watching it this episode the baby daddy died. And they used his sister to do a DNA test with the woman's kid because they were fighting over death benefits. Something like that. So pertaining to my case-"

"You wanna go on this paternity court thing?" He said holding back his laughter.

"No!" I immediately yelled slapping him. "Mr. David's Dad has two sisters. Twins. I could use them, one of them."

"When are you planning to tell them?" He asked staring at me.

"When are you planing on introducing us?" I used my mouth to point over to the window.

"Now actually." Alex said getting up he walked over to the front door opened it and walked in and closed it after I entered.

"Oh and something else dealing with David." He signaled for me to go ahead. "What ever dog you were hyping him up about he can't get it now cause he's allergic to fur."

Yara finally came off of the call she was one and joined us in the living room. He passed on introductions. I must say she's to nice for Alex's mean arse.

When I arrived at work it was almost 10. I'm not going to fire anyone for being late, but if they do it continually then I will.

I messaged the Alejandra to see if she could drop by. They came into the place in matching outfits. I'm a twin and I stopped matching with Malik when he forgot people were in the room when he farts.

After a little chit chat I got straight to the point. Just my luck, note the sarcasm. They all shared the same father but two separate mothers. Are you serious.

Out of nowhere I chose to ask this question "Does he drool?"

They stared at me for a few seconds before replying with "When he's ready." Alexandra is getting better at her English I must say.

"Well he better drool before the end of this month. If and when he does. This might sound nasty. But could one of you like get it inna little container smth that can hold it. If he bleeds you could get that too. Any of the two substances would help out a lot."

"The spit part is nasty. I'd personally give him a cut so you can get the blood." Alejandra said to me disliking the drool idea.

"Why do tú sound like you're in a rush?" Alexandra said.

Because I think it was yesterday I slipped up with my words when david scared the life out of me. And then I also told him, pinky promised by the end of this month he'd meet his dad. So that's why."

After that they said they would do it. I also told them not being their dog around David before they left.

When I got home there were 6 missed calls. 4 which were from the twins 1 from Malik, the other one from an unknown number so I chose to ignore that one.

I immediately called back Malik because he had David over his house. He told me he called to ask how much sugar should be used in a cupcake batter. He also said he added two big scoops and that the sugar just wore off David. An incoming call was coming from the twins I told Malik bye and answered their call.

"Grace, Blake is going to be leaving the country I don't know when he's coming back. But I doubt he'll be back before next month." A concerned Alejandra said to me.

I groaned and muttered 'Shit'

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