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Grace's POV

It was just like in my dream. A white ball gown wedding dress with a blue belt around my waist and blue and white flowers in my hands. I put down my Bouquet to to go get Bella ready. She had reached ten months. So it had been two months ago I had been proposed to. She got up fussy and miserable this morning. Most likely because she didn't feel like sleeping last night and stayed up and within three hours she had to get up.

"If you bite me I'm going to bite you back." I told her when I took the wet rag to clean her mouth. She didn't do anything for a few seconds until she felt the need to sink her front teeth into my fingers. I took one of her fingers and pressed my lips against them so she couldn't break free. She began to fuss.

"If she doesn't want to clean her teeth, leave her be." Yara said coming into the room.

"She bit me." I said once I was done releasing her fingers. "Look at how cute you are now." I said wiping the tears that wet her face. "You are going to join Nova sleeping." I said rocking her to sleep.

"Don't eat that it'll drop in your dress." I heard the voice of the twins coming from the bathroom.

"You had a spot on yours and brushed it off."

"Shut up before I burn your scalp with this flat iron." I heard Alexandra say.

"What are you two doing in there." Yara asked sticking hair pins in my hair to keep the bun in place.

"Eating." Alexandra answered.

"Ms. Bride-To-Be sit it's time to do your makeup."  Ali the makeup artist Yara introduced to me called.

"Mommy you look pretty." David said letting himself in the room.

"Thank you baby." I answered.

"A little birdie told me you were the one who made this happen. Is that so?" Ali asked David.

"Yes miss that was me." He answered, closing the door behind him.

"My niece has some Barbie and Ken dolls that don't get along anymore. She says they need a couples counselor, are you interested in taking that job?" She asked him, keeping her focus on my face.

"Dollys?" He asked moving over to where his sister was.

"She said she'd pay anyone who can help them twelve dollars." She said going through her pouch of supplies.

"But they're not real, they can't think for themselves. They don't have a brain."

"Well your parents acted like they didn't have one but here we are." She said contouring my face.

"I'm right here."

"That's how Yara described it."

"I'll do it, if you make it thirteen dollars." David said tying the lace.

"Well good sir you have a deal. I'll tell Melanie when I see her again."

"You look beautiful Grace." My father said entering the room.

"Thank you."

"I bet your mother would be so proud of you." He said smiling at me.

"I know she would." I said feeling the necklace around my neck.

"Is in the room that boring for the both of you to leave." Yara asked, seeing Alex by the ajar door.

"No. It doesn't have AC."

"Yara go check on those girls they've been quiet for too long." I said to Yara.

Yara opened the door revealing the twins rushing to get a chocolate ice cream stain off the side of Alejandra's dress.

"How'd that happen?" Yara asked when she saw it.

"I put the jar on the sink and it fell."

"I have powder the same shade as the dress. Make it dry first." Ali said looking over at them.

"Males return to your room now. You left the groom lonely." Yara said to all of them.

"He has his brother, father, and to be brother-in-law." Alex answered.

"You don't see any of us walking to the room you lot are supposed to be in." She said.

"You guys will literally see us in a few minutes." I told them. "David and Alex return to where you were." They got up and left. Unlike the rest of the groomsmen my father wore black, instead of Navy blue.

Twenty minutes later Isabella and Nova were up and fed, the spot was covered on Alejandra's dress my makeup was done, guess filled the church and to begin

Twenty minutes later Isabella and Nova were up and fed, the spot was covered on Alejandra's dress my makeup was done, guess filled the church and to begin

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The bow on Nova's dress (fullwhite dress) and the belt is supposed to be the same shade as the girls dress. David is in whichever one of the outfits on the little boys you think fits him best. Beside the Boquet is Grace's hair and makeup. 

Tonio walked in from the sides, followed by the twins with Alex and Malik. Then Yara went in, then the mini bride Nova and then David and Bella. She willingly emptied the basket in one place, proud of herself she moved down in the blue walker down the aisle leaving David to try to spread them further onto the aisle.

The two gentlemen opened the door, just like in my dream. And my father walked me down the aisle. The ceremony was going ok, and we came to the part where we exchanged vows.

"Back when I saw you at the party in 2015 I knew there was something different about you. You gave me two beautiful children. Today I say, "I do" but to me that means, "I will". I will take your hand and stand by your side in the good and the bad. I dedicate myself to your happiness, success, and smile. I will love you forever."

"I knew the very first moment I saw you. I knew we were meant to be together. You have become my lover and my companion, there's no one else I'd want to build a life with. I get to have you by my side, my love and my wife, for eternity."


"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride."

When Rey's lips reached mine, the sound of wheels coming over in our direction was heard. I opened one of my eyes to see Bella stomping over to us to push Rey away. Oblivious that she was running the wheel over his leg.

"Mamama." She said stretching her arms up for me to take her up, side eyeing her father. The guest laughed at the exchange.

I picked her up and placed a kiss on her cheek since someone was obviously jealous. She then started kicking to get out of my arms and back in her walker. Her jealousy session was over, she rolled over to David instead of where she should be.

I was now a married woman. A happily one at that.

The end...

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