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I know when your dreaming you have no control of your mind. So your imagination takes you all over the place, and for some reason I dreamed of a wedding. Why? I have no entire clue. Who was there? That's the funny part.

I was the one walking down the isle. I didn't mind that, it didn't affect me in the slightest bit. Except for the person that was at the end of the else at the altar. That's not the part where I woke up though.

So everything around me is as I pictured it as a little girl. A ball gown looking dress all white, blue and white bouquet of flowers. They were artist roses in my favorite colour. My hair was neatly placed into an a low bun, with parts of the front left out, which was perfectly curved. My nails were painted from what I could see in my crowded dream. Their were surprisingly bridesmaid and a made of honor in the room. I could identify 3 people the other woman was unknown.

There was a knock on the door before a head peeked through. It was David but a older version of him he was either 6 or 7. "You look beautiful momma" He told me stepping into the room.

While my makeup was getting done by who I pressure was a makeup artist, my father stepped into the room. He smiled at me, his eyes looked sad and happy at the same time. I responded back in the same manner to him. For some reason my eyes we're also sad. After everything was in tack, leaving the room, I stood before church doors. Not before doing a little walking to get across the lawn of the church.

Everyone went inside but me and my father, and two nice gentlemen who would be opening the door. When I entered the room I looked around feeling someone missing from the lot but not sure who. The altar was straight ahead, and when I looked straight ahead I was in shock.

But before I could muster up any more of my imagination I was visously shaken awake. Walking up I see David pushing my phone to me. It was too early for him to be on my phone or any device for that matter. The sun looked like it was just rising, I could tell from the part of the window that wasn't covered with the curtain.

"Hello," I said in the most horash morning voice that I had.

"Grace what time are you coming back?" My fathers voice said into my phone.

"I was going to be there in around the 8'o clock. Is something wrong?" I asked feeling the setting tension ok the call.

"Just make sure to be here by eight." My dad said, if I knew my father. Which I know him very well, something was off with him.

"Okay, but are you sure everything is okay?" I asked one more time even though I knew he'd probably saw yes to.

And as I said he answered with yes. I had nothing here to freshen up with, but last night I saw some kidies mouth wash I'm the bathroom. I used that, took of these shorts and shirt I was given yesterday and folded them neatly on the bed while I changed into what I originally came here in.

Which was a pair of grey crocs, along with white ankle socks, grey jeans shorts that stopped above my knee. I wore just a sweater with a bra underneath it. Before leaving I sat with David for awhile so he would drop asleep before I left. Once his hand found my chest I knew he would be fast asleep within five minutes. I told him to tell Rey I had left something came up.

That security personnel was asleep, so thank heavens that these gates can manually open. Within 10 minutes I was off the property. I drove back to my house And no one was there. It was only 6 am and no one was present the place was empty. I used my key and walked in. Good thing for me I hadn't removed my slippers because there was broken glass cup on the floor.

Being 6 am and having nothing better to do. I went for a shower. Changed into a sleep shorts and a very worn it feels shirt that I refused to throw out. When I came out of my room, there was Malik I the living room. It must be something really important, as to why the both of us were called so early in the morning. It wasn't exactly early, but it was to the both of us. I know for a fact we could sleep from night til day if you let us.

We chilled in the sofa drinking tea and watching whatever showed early on local TV. To my surprise I actually liked whatever action stunt thing this was. As soon as Malik and I were drifting off back to sleep, the front door opened sending us both awake. Our father looked stressed out about something, while mother tried to conceal her problems with a smile.

I turned the TV off, while they sat at opposite sides of the chair to us. They shared a look with each other before sharing some awful news.

My mother had lung cancer. She did have complications with breathing sometimes but that didnt seem like cancer. When they were so called reliving their honeymoon she was actually receiving treatment. My mother didn't smoke, or inhale toxic fumes how can she have lung cancer. When I was learning about something similar to this, I remember hearing there are 4 stages of cancer.

What stage was she on?

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