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It's been a few months since the co-parenting started. At first I actually hated it, but now am used to it. Rey and I have also gotten used to it. I was used to being around David almost every 24 hours each day in a week. Now I was with David during the week days.

This weekend when the two went out, David came back with a fever. Right now I was in the kitchen boiling some form of herbal tea to give him. Which I knew I had to actually shove down his thoart because, to be honest it tasted awful.

I let it cool a bit before throwing it out in a plastic tea cup, while I poured my self some in a glass one.

The little boy sat around the island table, with arms folded glaring at the cup. It wasn't entirely that bad. The taste of garlic was dominant, but the sugar mixed with it lessen the taste.

After five minutes Rey decided to pitch in, "It can't be that bad, just drink a sip."

David moved his glare from the poor cup, to his father. Rey took the cup from in front of David and put it to his  head. I assume that once the liquid reached his taste buds he took the cup from his head. He kept the tea in his cheeks and harsh fully swallowed it.

Giving David back his cup Rey quickly excused himself from us causing me to laugh quietly. David brought his gaze back to the cup. I finally stepped in and said. "Because this is just tea am not going to threaten your pretty brown bahind. But if you don't drink the tea in the next two minutes I will promise you won't have next weekend out, or your tablet for the rest of the week."

He was ready to protest, but didn't dare do so. Seconds after he took up the cup and pushed it to his head. He removed it and swallowed in disgust. He drank the tea completely in three large gulps, then he attempted to reach one of the canycanes that were on the island in a jar.

I picked up the cups in one hand and the jar in the other. Placing the jar on the cupboard since the fridge was hella tall, I rinsed out the cups and placed them to dry.

Walking back past the Hall in Rey's house I saw him diging up his room looking for something. When he saw me walk past he called to me and I stopped.

"What type of tea was that? Are you trying to kill my child?"

"It was some herbal remedy for flu etcetera etcetera. It's good for his health, your too." I said casually. Over the months we've gotten closer and Rey was the same well abit really the same annoying, stubborn person I meet and was trying to talk to.

"That's disgusting!" He said with a loud voice but not yelling.

"Which medicinal item taste nice. The liquid kind." I asked placing my hand on my hips.

"DPH, most of them. This milk ish looking one, the list goes on." He said, those were actually true though.

I roll my eyes and made my way to David's room that was in this house to get my bag and my keys. I'm just going to leave him here let him get the rest of his weekend.

As soon as my feet touch the end of the flight of stairs, rain just starts to poor down. It's not like a light rainfall. It was heavy and it came down all so sudden, then again the weather man on TV did say to expect rain this week. I was not going to be driving on these roads in the rain.

I went back to the room where David was and layed my head in his lap since he was in a sit up position. He didn't pay me any mind.

I've been at this house for about 2 hours now, it was already night, and the rain was still falling. I would have fallen asleep but I was wearing jeans. I wasn't home so I won't go around in only panties.

Rey came knocking on David's door, I looked up at him he had clothes in his hand. "This rain doesn't look like its about to die down soon, so here's some of the twins clothes I hope they fit you."

I glady took the clothes saying thank you and shut the door. The girls and I were different sizes. They were slim, while I had a little fat on my bones. This tights that he gave me couldn't even make it past my thighs. Putting on back my own clothes, I walked back to Reys room with the clothes.

The door was open so I just stood by the door and said "They don't fit."

He told to wait and went through the door that was beside his bed. He came back out with basketball shorts and a tee-shirt. I took them, thanked him then left. I drew the strings until the shorts sat on my waist. Slipping into the tee-shirt that stopped at my mid thighs. I heard a timer go off in the house. Then footseps desending down the flight of stairs.

I heard a call that dinner was ready. I heard him say he could cook, David even told me he liked it more than mine. I had to admit it was hurtful, but I brushed it aside.

I walked down the stairs and followed the sound of plates clinging. I was lead to a dining room. It was pretty nice, a small room with a 8 seater table. Maroon shade of paint unlike the cream colour the rest of the house was painted in. There was a small candle lighted chandelier above the table, it want lit, because the light was on. I also noticed a small fire place to the side of the room.

When the dinner arrived before me, my mouth watered. Some weird shaped bread with a sauce and tomatoes and other vegetables on top. There was pasta which I wasn't really a fan of, but at this moment it looked scrumptious. There was also mango juice placed on the table.

After everyones food was shared then said grace we- well I dug in. I took the bread and veggies thing first. I don't know what the hell this is called but it's delicious.

I was no longer hurt or hung over by the fact that David perferes his cooking than mine. This was delicious. The pasta was perfectly seasoned up with herbs and etc. I took a sip of my juice to was down all the food I just shoved down my throat. A loud belch escaped my mouth. It wasn't that embracing since I was around ppl am close with.

"Who taught you how to cook. I saw finishing the drink that was in the glass.

"My father did, but it's rare to find him in a kitchen now a days." He said shrugging it off staring at the table. I also followed his gaze and saw the last bread veggie thing left.

I grabbed it before anyone else did. Rey looked at me in shock at what I just did. I didn't really care because these stuff taste good. I broke like a quarter of it and gave to David and ate the rest.

I don't think I've eaten this much in my entire life, I might pay the toilet a nice visit before I go to bed though. Which reminds me I'm not in my own home. I voulenteered to was the dishes but Rey said he would do it. I washed of my face and did some hygienic things before getting I'm bed with my son and passing out on a full stomach.

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