• 20 • School Trip

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Summer vacation waves goodbye, School comes back to say hi.

Homusubi didn't complain though, she couldn't wait to get back to school after her new little brother is born and her 7th birthday has passed.

The academy she's attending isn't just like any other school. It's directly under the governments, where special kids they found are trained. Tuitions are high, but those who are gifted in either quirk or mind can have a scholarship.

Today's the day that Homusubi officially experiences a school trip for the first time. It'd be no surprise that she'd be silent the whole time the nannies packed her things up.

"Are you nervous?" Ella. She just learned that the nanny who can face Enji, the nanny who helped Touya while he was bitten by ants, the nanny who stood out of the rest, her name is Ella. A beautiful name for her.

"..." Homusubi didn't know what to say but just looked down at the clothes she wore. A sleeveless blue hoodie, black shorts, and paired with white socks. Topped by brown shoes.

Ella sweatdropped, 'It'll only be two days... Well... Maybe musubi can get a little nervous too.'

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"I don't wanna go..." The little kid started to give her mother the puppy eyes. They were already outside the school bus that waited for all students to get in.

Rei let out a sigh and pouted. Setting her purse aside, she kneels to her daughters' height, "I know, but you should learn to hang out more with your friends. Your teachers will be there so you don't have to worry about anything!"

The poor kid was trying her best to hold her tears while her lips quivered. She didn't know what she'd experience out there without her mommy, dada, Touya, Fuyumi, or even little Natsuo.

She may be heroic and strong at times, but no one is always strong. They have their season to feel weak too. We're all still humans in the end.

Rei plants a soft kiss on her forehead to reassure her while cupping both of her chubby cheeks, "Call me when you arrive at the camping site."

Enji Todoroki had a live television show interview he needed to attend today, which was incredibly important. He couldn't dismiss it, similar to a meeting anymore.

And no one else may know it, but right not as he was seated on the stage with the host and a large audience in front of him, he felt remorseful just thinking about Homusubi smiling and waving a bright goodbye without him.

If he'd choose between the interview and her precious flower. Of course, he'd always choose her, but sadly, this was an important matter that'll only happen rarely.

Homusubi stared out the window as she was on her kneed on her seat, watching her beautiful mother wave goodbye and gestured her hand to call her.

The little girl pouted as she sets her palm against the glass. She didn't want to leave like this.

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