• 42 • A Price To Pay

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"Are you sure this is part of my training?"


"Really, really sure?"


"Okay. Even if I trust you, I'm going to ask again... more specifically: Are you SURE that USING ME as a COFFEE HEATER part of the TRAINING?"

Aizawa casually glanced up from his to paperwork to Homusubi who was heating his coffee with a hand, "No doubt."

"Oh... You know that I can heat up the amount of coffee you're going to drink for 10 years in one go too."

"Cool. That's cool."


"I told you already, don't call me that. It sounds stupid." He whined while glaring at her at the corner of his eyes.

"-Do I look like a heater to you?!"

He heaves a sigh of distress, 'When Ms Joke isn't here to annoy me, this kid does

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He heaves a sigh of distress, 'When Ms Joke isn't here to annoy me, this kid does.'

"... Sports Festival is coming in three weeks, you know. Are you ready for it?"

"NXXISKENEDDKE. Look-" She gives him his hot coffee, "-that's cool and all but you're dodging the question."

"Siiiiiigh, alright fiiiiine," He accepts the cup, takes a sip, and stood up, "I'm done with my paperwork so let's go."

"Huh? Go? Go where?" Her eyes trailed him as he makes his way out of the office.

He stops in the middle of his tracks and stared at her over his shoulder, "Didn't you want to master my weapon?"

"But-But the sports festival is in like weeks away and you said you mastered it for six years!"

"Who said who wanted to train under who?"


"Exactly. Now, come on. Take it or leave it." He shrugged while leaving the room.

"A-Alright, I'll take it! Oi! Wait for me!!! Senseiiii!!!" The teenager rushed out to catch up with the man.

As they made their way down the hallways, to the elevator, Homusubi can't help but keep on expressing her feelings of excitement for future events. Like a kid that just came back from school and had a lot of things to tell to their parent. Although it's only been a week since they met, Aizawa had to admit that the kid had a unique trait to connect with people in a matter of time.

'...And... to be honest.' He glanced down at her, 'I would even bet both of my eyes that there won't be any fruit to her labour whatsoever. It's too impossible for a human being --even with a quirk-- to execute such feats like mastering a weapon in a short time.'

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