• 12 • Christmas

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[Merry Christmas, otaku's, weebs, fans, readers, writers! If it's not Christmas, then advanced Merry Christmas.]

"Where's Fuyumi's dress?"

"It'll be here madam. We'll iron it for a moment."

"Thank you. Will you pass me Touya's pacifier please?"

"In a moment madam!"

"Homusubi... Musubi!"

The little one looked up in shock with a hum, diverting her attention away from Touya who was sucking on his thumb towards her mother who was changing Fuyumi's diaper. Everyone was so busy.

Rei smiles kindly, "Would you be so kind to bring me Touya's pacifier?"

Homusubi looks to her left, then right, turning around in search of the pacifier. There she found it on top of the coffee table where her TV is on.

She arrived back to the conscious little boy and carefully hovered the pacifier over him. With the latter in Touya's sight, he accepts thy offer.

Homusubi was in awe as she rests her head on the crib and wore a soft smile.

Rei smiled back, "What's wrong?"

"Mama..." She started, "Touya... Fuyumi... I wuv all of them. That's why-- that's why... I will protect them!" A strong will of determination filled her eyes. Her mother was shocked. She wasn't playing.

"Homusubi..." Rei smiles genuinely, trying to fight back those emotional tears while softly patting her daughters head, "You're a good sister."

• • •

The Christmas party of the residence went well. Another picture of the family that held priceless memories was added to the albums.

Endeavor heaves a sigh as he looks at the new picture where Homusubi had once again, became an adorable little dork, threw a cake frosting to everyone, resulting in the kids playing along too and creating a huge mess.


He looks up to see that his office door had opened slightly, and Homusubi poked her head in with an apologetic look.

Enji knew what she was here for, so he closed the album and hid it in the drawers before gesturing her to come in.

She nods with a pout and entered the room. Closing the door behind, she then looked down in guilt, "I'm sorry..."

He nodded as he took in a deep breath, thinking of what's the right thing to say, "Come."

Homusubi obediently followed and approached her father. He reached out to the little toddler and lifted her. He sets her down on his chair in which he stood up from, and Homusubi glanced up at him curiously. He looked out the window.

The air was uncomfortable, yet it was comfortable at the same time. Enji had something to say but he didn't know how. It was something serious, yet even if she was at the age that's able to understand, she was still a child.

The little girl looked down as she fiddled with her fingers, "Is-Is dada angwy?"

He flustered as he glanced down at her. Afraid that she'll start to cry again, in which it's a father's worst fear, "No... No, I'm not."

"Oh... Okay..."

The awkward tension was starting to get thicker. He had to speak sooner.

"Homusubi." He started with clearing his throat as he leans back on his table, "So I heard from your mother that you wanted to protect your little siblings, yes?"

"O-Oh..." She nods with a hum.

He glanced back at her with an eyebrow raised, "How exactly are you going to do that?"

"... Fight who doesn't like them?" She smiled sheepishly with a sweatdrop.

He sighs as he moves off of the table and rotated the chair so that she'll be able to face him. He looks her dead in the eye.

"Then from now on, you're going to start your training and get stronger. If you do, then you'll be able to protect everyone else around you. Like what you did to those ants for hurting Touya." He glanced away, "But it's your choice."


Enji looked back at her, dumbstruck, but smiled softly as he needed to remind himself that she was still a kid after saying those powerful words to protect her siblings, "It's a promise. You'll get strong and protect your mom... Touya, and Fuyumi."

"I'll protect dada too!" She added excitedly, "Even if... Dada is a hero. I'll be a hero to protect dada!"

He was shocked for a few seconds, taking the time to register the words his precious daughter said. Soon he looks away with a blush while scratching the back of his head, "Geez you really are a musubi*."

(riceball* incase you forgot)

She giggled softly.

He flinched. He did not intend to call her that. It just slipped out of his mouth!!! He swears!

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