• 9 • Little Sister

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Homusubi has been learning well. From her ABC's, nursery rhymes, and learning the difference between a boy and a girl. It is important.

Especially for another new occasion: the birth of...

"Fuyumi..." This time, it was her mothers turn to name the child. The child looked similar to their mother in many ways. And surely, she will also bring a new meaning to everyone else, including... Homusubi.

"Woah..." The toddlers' eyes were sparkling in curiosity as she looks over at the conscious newborn, being held by her mother.

Rei giggled before reaching out to gently pat her eldest daughter. But flinched when Enji approached and towered behind the little girl. The mother looks up with a scared look, scared of the man with a suffocating presence.

It was obvious. This wasn't the result he was looking for, ever since he saw the child's appearance. There was no need to guess which parent she inherited her appearance, and it would be no doubt they would inherit their quirk too.

"Enji..." Rei weakly called out, "Can we... Can we just... take a break?"

"Sorry... I didn't catch what you were saying, may you repeat it?" He crossed his arms before giving her an intense glare.

His eyes were like a weapon that she immediately had her guards up with just a glance, "I-I mean... Can't we just wait? Wait for the child to manifest her quirk a-and you know... We'll see what quirk she inherited?"

Homusubi, who was oblivious to her parents' serious conversation, reached over the bed to try and hold her hand out to her little sister. Her curiosity getting over her.

"It's a small chance that she'll inherit my quirk, Rei. We need to make another one soon." Enji responded.

"B-But there's still a chance!" She defended. She needed this break. Birth after birth after birth, at this state she's going to have tens of children! "The chance isn't zero so please, Enji. I'm also tired... I couldn't see nor spend time with Homusubi and Touya that much anymore... I'd like to take this chance to be with my family."

He heaves a deep sigh before uncrossing his arms. Maybe he was being too difficult. He remained to have the responsibility of a father AND a husband too. "Right."

"Woah!" Homusubi gasped when she accidentally pulled down the blanket that Fuyumi was tucked in. Exposing the babies lower area, yet the baby only shifted rather than crying.

"No peepee! Hahaha!"

Her high pitched giggles broke the thick tension in the air and catching the parents attention.

"Goodness, Homusubi. Fuyumi's going to catch a cold!" Rei overdramatically said to show the little toddler it was a bad thing to do.

Homusubi copied her reaction: gasping in shock too, "Oh no!"

Enji let out a chuckle while gazing down at his adorable daughter.

"She's a girl too." Rei winked while fixing up the clothe around the newborn, "Boys and girls are different."


"Weren't you taught about this?" She raised an eyebrow, "Boys have 'peepee', girls have no 'peepee'..."

"Ooh..." The toddler held her chin as she was in deep thoughts, "Mommy have pp?"

Rei giggled, "No, silly. Mommy has no peepee."

"Oh! Mommy is girl!" She answered joyfully before turned to her father.

"Dada have pp?"

He rolls his eyes with a sigh before walking away, "Teach her to not ask questions like that. She might start asking it to strangers."

Rei couldn't stop herself to burst into a fit of laughter and the little toddler joined in.

Sometimes when someone tries to be serious, they're actually funny.

Thank goodness that Enji didn't care at all as he walks towards the window and looked outside.

The hospital was on a hill near a large lake that looked like the ocean, it was a good scenery for a good memory. There were three good memories for him in this scene. The birth of Homusubi, Touya, and now Fuyumi.

Then... An idea popped in his mind, "... If you're going to watch over them from now on..." He mumbled.

"Hm?" Rei looked up at him as he steps to the side to meet her eyes.

"I've decided Homusubi will start her training at 4 years old."

Rei was dumbstruck and it took her a few seconds to register those words, "Wait... But Enji she's... Isn't that a little too early?"

"For Homusubi?" He glanced down at the little girl who also looked up at him, "No. As you already heard she started controlling her quirk just a few months ago. So training her two years later wouldn't be early, Rei." He wanted his wife to understand, he wanted everyone to understand that he needed to reach his goals.

"So..." He didn't finish yet, "Homusubi will live her youth days training. But before that happens, I'd like to take her somewhere for her 3rd birthday."

"... Dada?" She didn't understand anything, but with the mention of her name, she understood she was involved.

"Where are you taking her?" Rei asked with pure curiosity.

"Homusubi." He walked towards her before kneeling to her height. He wears a small smile.

"Wanna go to the sea with me?"

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