✉ • SPECIAL CHAPTER: Voicemail • ✉

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[In short. This chapter are all the voicemails by a few characters sent to Homusubi Todoroki. What makes this chapter SPECIAL is that it's mostly made up of dialogue.]

❃.✮:▹• A few years later •◃:✮.❃

{{Opening a voicemail from Aizawa Shouta}}

"Ah. Moshi, moshi?


You know, it feels kinda weird giving my student a voice mail. Well! I got no choice either way...

How dare you not pick up my calls you troublesome kid.

Anyways... I heard that Homusubi Todoroki is living in Australia with her grandmother.


I bet the weather feels nice there, huh?


Do I sound too different?

Sorry... I just... LOOK. I have an exciting news to tell you:


...I'm a teacher in U.A. now.

Yep! Now more kids gets to call me sensei. Great! Hmm yeah... fuck.

So I don't want this to be long. Whatever you're facing now, just remember you're not alone. Take care and don't do anything stupid."

{{Opening a voicemail from Fuyumi Todoroki}}

"--Yeah I got it! I got it!-- oh come on, I'm not a geezer Natsuo!!!

Uhm... Oh sh--!

Everyone SHUSH! Please. I'm giving nee-san a message. Yeah, yeah, I know, you're already quiet Shoto I wasn't telling you to be silent. I was telling that to Natsuo.

*ehem* So-So you're pretty busy huh? Hehe

I heard you're working under granny's wings now... T-That's a good thing! Shoto is starting his training too! And Natsuo should be focusing on his studies INSTEAD OF PLAYING GAMES ALL NIGHT!


Well, knowing Grandma she's prettyyy scaryyy. And strict. Plus even more scary. So be careful around here-- oh-- oh no...


I'm so sorry nee-san but I gotta go now before she decides to kill me. I'll send you another voicemail if I'm still alive!!! Byeeee!!!"

{{Opening a voicemail from Natsuo Todoroki}}

"I'm gonna start with 'hi, how are you' because I am a normal person. Trust me.

*flips a page*

I am doing fine if you wanted to ask. Shoto is beginning to socialize with us after you left home, so that's one of the many good things here. Fuyumi-nee-san takes care of us very well and I try to help her in the kitchen but she ends up kicking me out. Well it's not my fault if salt and sugar looks the same.

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