• 28 • Resolution

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Once upon a time, the candle of relationship that the nannies had with the Todoroki... blew out.

A day that ended with the feeling of betrayal

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A day that ended with the feeling of betrayal. 9 years of being together all burnt to ashes. One dead, one in prison, the other three: ... missing.

• • •

"Why did you do this...?"

Enji glared through the window that separated him from the one and only, Ella. She's still under custody, but her future of being in prison was clearer than ever. Yet even at this state, locked inside a room to await her doom, she slumped on her seat and crossed her legs.

"I already told you the answer, boss-" She uncrossed her legs and leans forwards, staring back into his menacing blue eyes, "-So that we will be able to restore our clan with the power of your offsprings' quirk. If you had given Shoto to us, then none of this would've happened. Homusubi wouldn't be traumatized."

He grits his teeth as veins popped out of his forehead. He leans closer too, giving off an immense pressure that she could even feel through the glass, "Listen, Ella. I don't give a fuck where you got your IQ of 5 from but the fact that your little team hurt my kid physically AND mentally makes me feel... extreme... indignation for you."

Because of the pressure he gave off, a crack appeared on the glass. She glanced up at him with a smirk and scoffed. Ella pressed her lips together before slowly looking up. He swiftly turns around to see where she was looking, and it was the five minutes timer for his visit that hit 0:00.

It makes an alarming noise while the door behind Ella opens up automatically. A soldier in full armour and helmet stood by the door, "[Prisoner 0-0-2-1, proceed to your respective cell.]"

"Okay." She stood up, looked back at Enji and waved at him with a smile.

"Say hi to Homusubi for me, boss."

• • •

No one spoke as they had their breakfast the next morning. Touya and the others didn't know what exactly happened. Enji thought that it was for the best to not tell them about it. They just thought that their sister, mother and father were attacked yesterday, but they didn't know who it was that attacked.

"Where's nanny...?" Natsuo decided to break the silence. Questions loomed over their heads all night, questions that they didn't want to ask because of the different aura their father gave off. In which innocent little Natsuo was immune to it.

"Which one?" Touya asked as he paused in eating his burnt sunny side up cooked by you know who.

"All of them..."

"Yeah! They were gone when we came back from the hospital." Fuyumi chirped as she swings her legs while sitting on her chair.

"Hm..." Touya glanced at his side with a sigh, before looking up at the stairs across the room, "I know that father knows about it. But I don't know why he won't tell us."

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