• 3 • Trouble

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Enji heaves a sigh as he fixes up his tie. His schedule for today was office work, so he can take a break from hero work unless it's an emergency.

He walks out of his bedroom, then passed down the hallway where Homusubi's bedroom is, however he did not spare even one glance at the door as his duty was more important.

The door opened, and he halted in a distance.

"Sir!" The nanny called out.

He heaves a sigh before turning around, "What?--" and was bewildered by the poor appearance of the nanny: her sleeves were burnt, black dust covered a few parts of both her body and face and a cloud of smoke was coming out of the door.

Without a second thought, he turns around fully and sprinted down to the room, "What the hell happened?!"

The baby's crying was audible by now and once he entered her room, he was beyond shocked. The supposed to be fireproof room were covered in a bright orange fire, but he wasn't worried about that, he was more worried about his kid. Too worried about her than himself, he jumped into the half-burnt room towards the burning crib.

He reached out to gently lift the baby off of the crib before smashing it into pieces with a kick.

"Shh." Enji tried to hush the crying baby but it remained to cry out loud. He tisked as he remembered the information he received yesterday, "She's hungry!--"

"Excuse me, sir!" The nanny reappeared with a fire extinguisher, and before he could react, foam covered everything in the room, putting out the fierce fire at last.

The nanny heaved a relieved sigh as she looks down at the now-empty extinguisher in her hand and set it aside, looking up at the tall figure covered with foam, but it could be seen he was upset.

He puts his arm away that he used to shield Homusubi from the foam, and it seems she's calmed down after clinging to the sleeves of his suit.

The man was relieved that the baby didn't accidentally eat any foam, which is dangerously toxic. This is why he looks up to glare at the nanny and said, "You're fired."

• • •

The poor father heaves a deep sigh while holding her in a baby carrier around his shoulder. Multitasking in feeding her with a bottle and doing paperwork in his office.

Sure his employees in his building may have given him a look or two, but at least they gave him twice the respect they give for bringing his daughter over his workplace like a bad-ass dad.

'Damn it.' He deadpanned, 'Rei's going to be discharged a week away.' He gazed down at his child, 'But what am I gonna do with you, until then?... I'm the only one who can comfort you anyway.'

"Are you done yet?" He grumbled as he was balancing out the bottle she fed on. Trying to pull it slightly and see if she'll let go.

"You've been drinking for 30 minutes." He glanced down at her hands that were still in a form of a fist. The fist would soften if she fell asleep. He was displeased that his child was still wide awake and surely disturbing his work.

He narrows his eyes at her, "You know you're dragging me down with my work here you One-week-old child, are you happy with that?"

• Meanwhile •

"Hey, colleague, mind if you give this a check?" A man passing by the big boss's office made a stop as he looked up to his friend from the documents he held.

Getting silent after seeing his colleague press an ear against the double doors, he raised an eyebrow, "What are you doing?--"

"Shh-shush!" He held up a finger before looking back at him and signed him to come over, "Listen-Listen. He's talking to his baby!" He said with a mocking snicker.

"Dude... ... ... ... ... ...really?"

• • •

A foul scent filled his nose and he paused for a few seconds before wanting to barf out. Realizing where it came from, he was beyond frustrated, 'REALLY?! NOW?!'

He did not hesitate to slam his fingers down on the telephone and called his secretary. Stumbling to remove the baby carrier gently together with you.

"Yes sir how may I help you?-- and your child?"

"Get in the office. Now." He didn't know what to do, but for sure he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of his workers and employees. Now what kind of a boss and NUMBER 2 HERO would he be if they found out about this?

He realized that he couldn't take care of the baby alone. Might as well hire 5 nannies.

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