What if Enji Todoroki had a daughter as his eldest child, with the replica of his quirk but even stronger?
Where she will change the route of BNHA that results to this story: filled with fun, entertainment, and scenarios of the man known for being...
The enemy stuffed his hand into his cloak once again, pulling out another Katana. But this time, it lits up in flames along with his cloak. Clouds of steam start to spread in their surrounding, letting them see nothing else but each other.
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The smell, the temperature, the feeling, all of these things felt familiar to her. That made her watch through a series of her memories fighting with Phoenix.
Both Phoenix's fire and this mans' was uniquely similar.
"You're with THEM aren't you?!" She yelled out in frustration as a river of tears flows down her face, "They sent you here to kill me, right?!"
He stood still and watched, "Yes."
"Why now?! When you could've killed me many times before?! WHY ME?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOUR GOALS?!"
"Enough talking, little kid--"
"... The very source of OUR clans' --involving you and your family-- is a fire that came from hell itself. That is why it is named Hellflame." He continued, "However the main family bloodline of our clan is the Todoroki, they are the ones favoured byhell. Whoever is the strongest in the Todoroki will undergo a ritual to inherit the crown."
"W-What? I don't-- I don't understand--"
"We had a change of plans. Instead of Shoto Todoroki-" he points a finger towards her, "-it shall be you who will sit upon the empty throne of the underworld."
"Why now?!" She yelled, "If you changed your minds a bit earlier then mom wouldn't be in this state and!--"
"Because we realized today that your little brother is just an extremely fragile human."
Her eyes darken at his statement while tilting her head down, getting fully hostile, "What... What did you do to him....?"
"A simple test. Although it resulted in him to be in a critical condition once more, surrounded by health monitors, helped by life support, but being watched over by one of my kin--"
She screamed out in sorrow. Her flames hugged her, causing the place to light up more. It expanded until the building was engulfed in blazing flames inside and outside.
"You and your stupid plans! Clan this, clan that, inherit this, inherit that!" She snapped, "WHY DON'T YOU INHERIT SOME SENSE FIRST OR DO YOU WANT ME TO KNOCK IT INTO YOU?!"
"Big words for a small size." He groans in irritation from the heat surrounding him, "Would you like a kiddy meal with that?"
Her eyes filled up fury in just a second as flames created an explosion as it broke through the building, causing the whole place to crumble apart. He was thrown back by the powerful energy and rolled harshly on the ground. But the fire didn't stop there, it covered the whole surroundings in a wrathful fire that no one ordinary can survive in.