• 39 • Forgiveness

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After what he thought would be the end. His prayers were heard as he wept with his children over his daughter's 'corpse'. Calling out her name in frustration and pain. The sound of the heart monitor starts to make a beeping sound made his heart skip a beat.

"N-Nee-san?" Touya called out through his tears as he watched her eyes opening to show a pair of shaking blue orbs. Everyone stopped weeping and looked up in shock with their fingers crossed.

"Homusubi!" Enji gasped while leaning closer to embraced her tightly, "I thought I was going to lose you!"

She parts her dry lips and lets out a groan of pain, "..." Muttering something none couldn't understand.

"W-What?" He raised his head and looked up at her, trying to focus her blurry vision due to the session of crying, "Can you say that again?"

"... You're too heavy..."

"I'm sorry!" He flusters and quickly moves away, gesturing for her siblings to move too since they were the ones who wouldn't let go of her.

"Onee-san don't leave us!" Natsuo yelled through his snot.

"How can I when you're gripping on my pants like that?"

"Oi Natsuo, you're going to hurt her." Touya scolds him while lightly removing his grip on her pyjama's.

A chuckle left Homusubi. The first thing to see after waking up is a whole mess, "Good to see you again... Dabi."

The eldest brother flinched and looked away with a blush.

"Don't sit up yet." Enji pushed her shoulder back but it backfired on him, it felt like her left shoulder was scorching lava itself, "Shit!"

"Dada?" She ignored her words and sat up instead, "What's up? What happened?"

His hand was steaming from the contact. Homusubi looked at her shoulder, where the fire of her enemy had burnt. She clenched her jaw, 'It must be because of that stupid god.'

"Shit! :D" Natsuo blurted out.

Making everyone freeze in shock and slowly glaring over at their father who was the reason of it all.

After a sweet while of 'fixing up the complicated knots', the doctor had arrived on time to check up on her and her condition. Everyone watched anxiously, either having optimistic and pessimistic thoughts as the records what he observed on a folder.

"Alright. What I was only checking is her brain function, she seems to be doing alright." He glanced at Homusubi before looking back at Enji, "But I'm waiting for your permission to undergo surgery on her upper left thigh that suffered nerve damage. Risks are..." He cleared his throat, noticing that there were still kids in here, "I'll make sure there'll be no risks."

Enji sighed with relief and nodded, "I'll be counting on you."

"Alright. I'll get the preparations done. The surgery will be tonight. What will you do in the meantime?"


"Hai?" He quickly turns back to her daughter. Thinking that he'd do anything she asks him to do.

She scratched the back of her head while glancing out the window, "I want to talk to you by the garden."

"Oh-- o-of course..."

"Well then." The doctor closes his folder, "I'll lead the rest of your children back to Shoto's room. There's a wheelchair over there."

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