1% Chance

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"One people hate you, or even the whole world hates you... Life still goes on. There's nothing special about being hated. So don't act like the world is ending now, because the real end is yet to come."

Kaownah turned to his left, surprised by the sudden statement told by some unknown boy behind the mask. He didn't even realise when did the boy come. He was so into his own thinking.

The masked boy turned to face Kaownah.

"I abandoned the exquisite view of Paris city at night just to look at you. Do you think this little action means I hate the view? No, it's just that there's something more valuable for me to look at. The city hates you for stealing one of their viewers and I hate you for catching my attention more than the city does but you still breathing and I still breathing and the people in the city still breathing. Life goes on. Hating doesn't always mean bad. But something more than that, I hate myself for not being able to resist the beauty of you. So remember this, no matter how much other people hate us, they hate themselves more. Believe me. But you, shouldn't hate yourself because you are precious."

Kaownah was silent all the time as he heard to everything the boy said. A small smile made its way up to Kaownah's face. He felt warm and loveable. For once, other than his sister, he felt loved. Thanks to this unknown boy, he felt valuable. He felt precious. He is precious.

Suddenly, he heard running steps coming towards them. Another masked boy came.

"Phi Bo! Here you are!" Said the boy as he grabbed the one named Bo.

"Gosh phi Bo! Why are you so drunk? Just how many glasses have you drunk? What makes you want to drink this much huh? Damn! Do I really have to take care of you again tonight?" The boy whined by himself as he slung the snoozing man on his shoulder and brought him back inside to the hall.

Kaownah chuckled looking at the small boy being dragged away by another small boy. Though the boy named Bo was drunk, everything he said was so nice that it left stained on Kaownah's heart. It hits just at the right spot.

----- [ now ] -----

"So what's the matter? If it really me or may not be me, it's in the past already." Turbo replied after Kaownah told him about the event from that night and they were both sitting facing each other.

"It might be the past for you, but I always anticipating for its' future." Kaownah smiled warmly to Turbo. It's like he just found something so precious after so long. Turbo looked up at Kaownah waiting for him to explain more.

"Ever since that night, I have found the courage to be back to Thailand again. Because of him."

"Huh... But there's only a 1% chance that you two will meet again. You didn't even see his face."

Kaownah looked at Turbo sincerely. He realised some features on Turbo that he never got a chance to notice. The small red veins spread across Turbo's cheeks. The lines were obvious in contrast to Turbo's fair skin.

"In this world, I have never got anything I want. If there are 99% chances over 1%, the world probably never gave me 99%. Yet fortunately that 1% is what keeps me alive. Because that 1% is you."

Turbo looked straight into Kaownah's eyes. Stunned over the cheesy line spoke by Kaownah.

"That boy might not be me." He said before turning away his blushing face from Kaownah which resulting Kaownah to let out a small laugh.

"Sure, whatever you say," Kaownah said and laid back on his bed. Turbo also slowly went under his cover and laid down facing the ceiling though his eyes would sneakily take a look at Kaownah.

Turbo did remember about that night. He remembered talking to someone taller than him. But he never remembered what they are talking about. But the event Kaownah told him about, is obviously the event he attended last year.

With that a little flashback of Kaownah's memory, he forgot the anger he once held. The anger he tried to suppress, it all gone vanished into nowhere. Same goes to Turbo as he was left with blushing face while trying hard to make himself fall asleep.

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