You're my umbrella

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Kaownah and Turbo walked into the house. A heavy tension filled the room. Kaownah cleared his throat as they walked closer to the woman sitting in the living room facing the turned-off television.

"Phi krub..." Kaownah started.

His sister stood up and walked to them menacingly. Her gaze pierced through them as she inched closer to them. When she finally stood right in front of Kaownah she stopped and immediately jumped on him and hugged him tight.

"I miss you very much!!! Where have you been!!?? I was hoping to see you first after coming back to Thailand and did you know how worried I am when you are not at home?? Did you even miss me?"

"Why didn't you call me in advance to tell me that you are coming back? If I had known earlier I won't be staying at Turbo's home." Kaownah replied as he hugged his sister back.

"If I did that then it won't be a surprise anymore! Wait... did you say that you stayed at Turbo's house??"

She pulled out from the hug and shifted her gaze from Kaownah to Turbo alternately. 

"Err...I have been meaning to tell you about us... but I want to make sure of it first..." Kaownah stated with a hint of worry and was scared that his sister will be mad.

"... and have you made sure of it?" She asked with her arms crossed over her chest. Kaownah nodded as he looked at Turbo and joined their hands together. His sister was just eyeing their hands' movement.

"Hmm... I see, and based on the news just now it seems like your family is very supportive." She said with her attention fully on Turbo.

"Yeah, my parents are okay with it... and I hope you could give the same amount of support to us as well..." Turbo daringly spoke his mind.

"No way!" Kaownah's sister replied. Both Kaownah and Turbo immediately looked up at her.

"I'm not going to give the same amount of support."

"Phi..." Kaownah softly called his sister.

"Wait... I'm not done. Kaownah is my youngest brother and he means the most to me than any other thing, so there's no way I'm giving the same amount of support as my client, I need to give more than that.. remember this, I am the most supportive of your relationship! If there's anything you need, just tell me. If anyone tries to harm you two... call me anytime."

Kaownah and Turbo were both stunned by the statement from Kaownah's sister and eventually, they managed to smile that now they know she is okay with their relationship as well.


Holiday ended a bit too fast and all students were back at the university. The dormitory that has been empty for a month is back to being noisy and bustling with students.

"It has been a few weeks after all the incidents with my parents and your sister... and it still feels unreal," Turbo said as he lay down on his bed. Their beds that used to be separated before are now connected together so that they can lie down together.

"Why? Do you not want to believe it?" Kaownah asked as he also lay down in the opposite direction of Turbo where their face is now facing each other.

"No... I mean I'm glad everything has passed and hope that only good things will come in the future, it just feels surreal... do you get me?" Turbo continues. He gently played with his fingers as his eyes fixed on his fingers. Kaownah who noticed that caught Turbo's finger in his hand and softly caressed them.

"I know... I felt that too. But on top of that, I am more glad that the someone is you." Kaownah replied.

"Have you always been this cheeky? I don't think you did before. Stop with all this cheesiness, I don't think I can stand it." Turbo pushed Kaownah's hand and sit straight on his bed.

Kaownah turned to lie on his abdomen and used his arms as a stand for his face as he looked at Turbo adoringly.

"You don't want that? I am trying to make a move... slowly. We haven't even had our official first kiss."

"What do you mean by that?... I'm going to take a bath you can go to sleep or whatever first.." Turbo blushed and tried to run away from the situation using taking a bath as a reason.

"Should we take a bath together?" Kaownah asked.

"No... you better stay away from me for the time being." Turbo insisted and went into the bathroom.

"Did you lock the door?" Kaownah asked from the outside.


The sound of the bathroom lock. Kaownah chuckled and continue to lie down on his back, might as well catch on some sleep.

Thinking back to how far they have come, Kaownah smiled to himself, he checked his contact list and changed Turbo's name into 'my umbrella <3'.

To other people, umbrella is just something that protects them from rain, snow, or sunlight. But to him, umbrella is something that saves him from the storm of emotions, blizzards of souls, and downpour of thoughts.

Thanks to that umbrella, he survived all those turbulent phases of his life.

a/n: it had been a long journey naa... thanks for being here <3 one last chapter left.

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