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It's been a week already and people still don't stop talking about the event that took place in the month-end event last month. It's no other than about the unintentional kiss of Kaownah and Turbo but everyone usually ignored the word ‘unintentional’. Their pictures and videos were everywhere on the social media.

Kaownah was still in his room, it's been a week and he still feel uncomfortable going to campus since everyone will have their eyes set on him. He didn't know what they talk about him though it was predictable but he just feel so uncomfortable. His anxiety would show and he was afraid of that to happen. Even though he barely manage to go through the day but having this kind of situation to face everyday is very stressful. He wished he could take a day off until everyone get bored of it. He sat down on his bed still thinking whether he should go to campus or not.

Earlier this morning, he just saw a post with #KaownahTurbo and a picture of the accidental kiss attached under it. He sighed out. He didn't dare to scroll down as he knew there will be more of it.

He closed his eyes trying to regain his strength to at least face another one day.

‘Just one day more.’ He thought in his mind. He has been doing that for a week already.


Kaownah was surprised by the small sound of door being opened. He sighed out when it's just Turbo going out of the bathroom. Turbo looked at him in confusion while he breath slowly to calm himself down. He looked up at Turbo who was facing the other way and neatly styling his hair.

Kaownah gulped down and inhaled before asking Turbo.

“T-Turbo...” He stuttered. Turbo stopped his movement and looked at Kaownah waiting for him to continue.

“It has been a week... a-are you not going to do anything...?” He slowly asked though he sounds not confident at all.

Turbo inhaled deeply and exhaled before replying.

“If you could get in touch with those people, please tell them that it was just a mistake.” Turbo said and grabbed his bag and car key. Kaownah just watch as Turbo went out of the room. There's no way he could get in touch with everyone and easily told them to stop.

But seeing Turbo went out of the room as if there's no problem at all kind of giving Kaownah a courage to step out of the room.

‘If he can face it, I should be able to do so too.’ He thought. What they have been facing should not be much different, so if Turbo could face that everyday, he would try and face it too.

But to be honest, Turbo was just as uncomfortable as Kaownah is. But he already get used to it since he has been dealing with this kind of situation since he was in school. It's just this time, it was different then before. Before people like to talk about him for being the son of the infamous rich business man though he has no intention to be the heir and manage the business. Everyone kept talking about his future that he himself still has no idea about. The fact that he is studying engineering got everyone surprised saying that he is in a wrong path.

He was done with it and finally get to get over it and just let them to talk about what they want to talk about, it's his life he knows where he is going. But the current issue with Kaownah is not something he expected. Being the talk of the town about him having a very close relationship with Kaownah is something different. The concept is similar but the situation is different.

Everyone is talking about how Kaownah could make Turbo enter a club which no one can convince him to do so and Turbo being on the stage dancing with him is just a big news to everyone. Even the lecturers are surprised with it but secretly thanking Kaownah for that. Everyone is curious how Kaownah could change a hard-stone-cold-hearted Turbo to join a club and even joining an activity.

“KAOWNAHHHH!!!!” A voice shouting from behind and Kaownah was almost getting panic attack for that until he saw a familiar small girl running towards him.

“You scared me.” He said to the panting girl in front of him, April.

“Damn I was so busy last week with club activities and assignments that I didn't have time to see you and gosh!!! What did you just do Ai'Kaow?? Why didn't you tell me you are that close with Turbo!! Tell me!” She said without a second of pause.

Kaownah gulped down and awkwardly replied. “What do I have to tell you?”

“Everything! How you guys met, how you could be close and what's between you two?” She said with her eyebrows raising in anticipation.

“Well, we are roommate... and probably got close because of that... and there's nothing between us...” He replied slowly trying not to be awkward.

“Why didn't I knew this earlier? If I knew it would be easier to ask picture of him!!” She sighed frustrated.

“I don't think he would agree to even if I ask.” Kaownah replied.

“Meh 😒, I heard he join a club because of you and he would never go up on stage and DANCING!? Totally not his thing to do, but you are there everytime Turbo did something beyond imagination. Kissing? Are you guys planning to go public? How long have you guys been dating?”

Kaownah just sighed out and forcely smiled at her. About the club, the two of them, Kaownah and Turbo knew that it was just a coincidence and the kiss was just a mistake. But, the fact that Turbo went up on the stage to accompany him was also beyond his imagination. That thought getting him thinking so deeply all by himself.

“Heyy!” April shook his arm as well as shake his away from his thought.

“What are you thinking about? Is it about how to go out on public?” She teased.

“What are you talking about? There's really nothing between us.”

“Yeah I know, there's nothing between you guys even personal space. Right?” She said shoot him a teasing look.

“Ai'Aprillll!!!!” Kaownah sighed out. Tired of telling her since she won't be listening anyway. April kept teasing him and begging him to tell more about them as they walked to their faculty. Kaownah just wished he could reach his class fast so they can be separate and he doesn't have to answer to her questions.

KT University Cute Boys Official Page

Guys!! It's hard to believe but just now I was informed that Kaownah and Turbo actually sharing the same dorm room!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAA so that's mean their relationship is not new. It has been going on for a while already!!!! #KaownahTurbo
– Admin M.

Just now
165 likes, 80 comments, 15 shares

nongpim1997: is this for real?? Why didn't I know about this?

PitPeedPid: I don't know about this too!!

KTCuteBoysFans: I knew it! That's why I feel it's strange at first.

4wheelsss: Who said they are dating?

Kong.sr: @4wheelsss No one said they are dating.

t_game: but we can imagine them as dating right?

nongpim1997: @t_game how I wish they would dating for real.

4wheelsss: they are not dating!!!

t_game: @4wheelsss why are you so against it? Do you like one of them?

Kong.sr: @t_game lol no! He is in love with me.

KTCuteBoysFans: You guys are crazy!!!! Is this for real? Should we start talking about KongWheel now?

4wheelsss: @Kong.sr hey! What are you talking about?

april_prd: whatever you guys are talking about what's important now is #KaownahTurbo *squeal*

a/n: I'm sorry, I'm a bad author (╥﹏╥)

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