Love At Last

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The title was largely displayed on every newspaper sold in any convenience store.

"What should we do about the news, Ms.?" The secretary of Kaownah's sister asked as they were on the way to the company after arriving in Thailand a few hours ago.

"They did not mention Kaownah do they? Will see how things turn out later and if they ever create a problem for Kaownah or for us, I will take down all the business we have with them. Protecting Kaownah is our priority now." She replied.

Meanwhile, the media and reporters were all scattered in front of Turbo's father's office. The driver had to use the back entrance to ensure his boss's safety.

"What should we do with all those reporters, sir? It has been a week and none of them are leaving the place. We can't just stay silent like this. It started to disturb the other workers as well." asked the secretary. 

"I see. I will think of something. I can't understand why they can't just let other people live their life, what's with my son's relationship they need me to clarify?" Turbo's father was mad. He found it disturbing and uncomfortable for them to keep getting involved in other people's business. 

"How do they even know about it in the first place?" He talked to him but somehow was overheard by the secretary.

"Well, your son's face is no secret since you once introduced your family through an interview and they happened to see Turbo and his lover on a date..." The secretary replied.

"Those kids... no.. it was never their fault. They are enjoying their time." He said and then stood up from his chair. He walked to the elevator.

"Where are you going, sir?" 

"To stop all this stupid mess." He said and entered the elevator. No one dared to stop the director and just stood there looking at each other, sharing eye contact.


Kaownah was awake from his deep sleep and found that Turbo wasn't there next to him. He went to wash his face and went down to the kitchen where he saw Turbo was preparing some food to eat. He spent the night at Turbo's family's house since Turbo didn't want to let him go.

"What are you making?" He asked as he sat down at the dining table.

" sleep so soundly for someone who was so nervous to sleep at his boyfriend's family's house. Did you just wake up? Everyone has done with breakfast and was already going to do their own activity. I was just making some sandwich, do you want it?" Turbo asked and Kaownah shyly nodded after all the things Turbo said.

Turbo smiled and offered him the sandwich. He wanted to feed Kaownah but was interrupted by Fourhweels.

"Being so sweet the first thing in the morning... oh wait, is not even morning anymore... do you guys even know what had happened today?" Fourwheels asked.

"What??" Turbo rolled his eyes and asked his little brother. Kaownah was just waiting for Fourwheels to continue.

Fourwheel cleared his throat and lift up his phone to read the news.

"A businessman from XX Company has confirmed that his son is indeed dating a guy. He also said that he sees no problem in his son's relationship as long as he is happy with his partner and he also stated that people should stop minding other people's life. Lastly, he closed his warning remark by saying that he will not it slide for those who have the intention to or dare to hurt his son and his son's partner."

"Wait.. what is this all about??" Turbo asked. He was shocked by the news and had a lot of questions in mind, similarly, Kaownah also felt the same but just remind silent.

"Wait... I'm not done yet, the first comment said... by padthai_aroy, I know them!! I saw them at the cafe near xxx last week. They are such a cute couple! heart eyes heart eyes... second comment, by username_20,  salute to the director, as he said people should mind their own business, this is already the 20th century are they still being close-minded? ugh.. support director of XX company for being the bravest father to protect his son..."

"Are you going to read all the comments? It will take the whole day." Turbo cut Fourwheels from continuing to read the next comment.

"Aow... I'm just trying to show that there are so many people actually supporting you guys and they even give so many heartwarming messages to father. I'm so proud of my family." He said as he hugged Turbo tightly. But then the hug got even tighter when Kaownah joined in the hug.

"Phi Kaow!! Let me go!!" Fourwheels whined and Kaownah did.

"I'm glad that people are okay and more accepting." Turbo's mom said as she walked in from the garden.

"Thank you naa mae~" Turbo said and moved to hug his mother. His mom stroked his head and kissed him on the forehead.

"All I want is the best for my sons. If you are happy then I am happy too." She said.

"You already told me that last time," Turbo replied as he kept hugging his mom while his mom was just smiling.

Then, a loud ringtone played and it came from the Turbo's bedroom. But listening to the ringtone sound, they both from whose phone that was. It was Kaownah's. He ran to the bedroom to take the call.

"Who is it?" Turbo asked as he also followed Kaownah to the bedroom.

"My sister." He replied shortly and take the call.


"Where are you? You are not at home? Should I go find you or are you coming back now?" She asked and she sounded a bit irritated as well.

"Is she mad?" Turbo asked slowly but somehow was still heard by Kaownah's sister.

"...and bring him as well. I mean Turbo, that kid."

Kaownah looked at Turbo as he gulped down.

"Okay.. then see you at home."  He said and the phone call ended.

"I think we need to do some explanation to my sister." He said and Turbo nodded as he already expected it to happen. 

"Alright, I'll go and get ready."


After all that happen, the news headline quickly changed by that evening. 



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a/n: guys, I'm back... and I'm not dead. Thanks for waiting and sorry for the long wait.

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