Our Best Person

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The darkroom was filled with sun rays that shine through the thin curtain stirring the tall boy up from his deep slumber. His eyes slowly flutter open and he stayed in his bed for a few seconds to regain his consciousness fully. When he felt like he is now fully awake, he turned to his left and saw the other boy sleeping soundly.

The first thing Kaownah did in the morning after waking up is to stare at Turbo who was still peacefully sleeping. He seems like he can't believe what just happened last night and can't help but be too happy about it. 

He got off of his bed and moved to sit on the floor, his head laid on Turbo's bed, watching the boy silently as to not want to wake him up.

"Is it really okay for me to feel like this?" He quietly asked himself. He reached his hand slowly to brush Turbo's front hair away from hiding his calm feature but perhaps it's because of his trembling finger, Turbo flinched a little and slowly those round hazel eyes shot opened and then it gets wider. Kaownah backed away a little as Turbo went inside his blanket, into his hiding.

"What are you doing?" Turbo asked from inside his cocoon. His voice was muffled but Kaownah could still catch the sentence.

"I'm...I just...You have morning class, don't you?" Kaownah stuttered. He went back to sit on his bed and decided to just look at Turbo from distance. He didn't want to scare Turbo away on their first day of dating.

Yes, dating. They decided on their relationship after having some deep midnight talk last night.

Last night, 

"So... am I allowed to hit on you?" Kaownah asked. The first thing he said after Turbo went out of the shower. He has been dying to ask the question since the walk to their dorm. But, he already had too much in his mind and it seems like Turbo needed time too. So he decided to be silent until they reach their dorm. 

When they arrived, Turbo threw his bag onto his bed and immediately went inside the shower. Kaownah didn't even get to say anything. So he was waiting. He had a lot in his mind and he knew Turbo did too, but he needed to sort his mind.

Turbo was freeze in front of his bed. His eyes were shifting from here to there. From Kaownah to his bed, to the curtain, to the desk. It's been a while since he was back again in their dorm. There's nothing changing though, but it felt really good to be back again.

"Turbo..." Kaownah called him softly. His eyes looking at Turbo so attentively. He needed a confirmation.

"How about... you go shower first. Then we can talk." Turbo said and turned around almost too immediately. Kaownah can't even see what kind of reaction Turbo was doing. He was a little worried. 

'What if Turbo regretted what he had said just now. What if he said that in the heat of the moment or perhaps he was a little drunk and now he came back to his sense?' Kaownah couldn't help himself and keep having this kind of thought, from the moment he entered the shower, taking a shower and finished showering.

Kaownah sat on his bed. The lights were off and Turbo already inside his blanket just like how he usually sleeps. Kaownah can't even see his head. Not even a piece of his hair. Kaownah sighed out.

"Are you asleep?" Kaownah asked and patiently waiting for a response. But there was only silence. 

"Did you regret it?" Kaownah asked but this time he didn't expect any response. He was just talking. More like to himself, asking if Turbo actually regret it. Even though there's still no response, Kaownah still continued. He just wanted to let everything out of his mind. He was almost too excited just now but now, he was almost in despair.

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