A Black Dream

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Later that night, Turbo just got back home from his part time job; as a mechanic at a workshop not so far from his campus. He entered his room and found that the light has been out and Kaownah was there lying on his bed. Probably has fallen asleep.

Turbo immediately when to shower and get changed into his pajama which is only an oversized white shirt with a black short. As he laid down on his bed, getting under the cover, he heard a small sniff coming from Kaownah's side.

At first he was surprised and looked at Kaownah almost too immediately. His eyebrows were knitted together as he focused more on Kaownah to catch the real source of the sound. Then, another sniffed. This time, he was sure it was from Kaownah.

Turbo reached over to Kaownah and when he tried to turn him around, Kaownah was awaked by the sudden motion. Turbo was shocked and immediately let Kaownah's arm go. He scanned over Kaownah's face in the dark. His eyes were damp. He definitely was crying in his sleep.

Kaownah was surprised to see Turbo that close to him. Feeling his teary eyes, he immediately turned around again and burried himself under the blanket. He was afraid and ashamed at the same time. Afraid that Turbo got suspicious with him and embarassed that someone caught him crying in his sleep.

But, knowing Turbo is the type that doesn't talk much, he was grateful for that. At least, he knew Turbo won't talk about it to him nor to other people. He wiped his tears away and forced himself back to sleep which wasn't that hard because he was too tired moving his things this morning and have to run around the university to complete his registration.

Getting the sign, Turbo went back under his covers and relax himself. It's not like he has anything to do with Kaownah crying in his sleep. He knew he should not care about that just like how he want Kaownah to not disturb his life.

He closed his eyes and almost drifted off to sleep when suddenly he heard someone talking. He shot opened his eyes and looked at Kaownah shivering as he talked in his sleep. He looked scared, cold and lonely.

“No! No! I told you it wasn't me. I'm not Lhong!” He cried in his sleep.

Turbo was confused. A total confused. Though as much as he wanted to ignore that, he can't let Kaownah's nightmare disturbed his good night sleep. Not when he was this tired from work. He once again went out of his bed and reached down to his drawers. He took out a scented candle and light it up before putting it on the night stand between their beds.

He increased the AC temperature so it will be warmer and turned on one light at Kaownah's place so it was brighter at Kaownah's side. Then, he went to his bed and get completely into the blanket so there's no light getting at him. Like that, Kaownah finally calm down and both of them got a peaceful sleep.

The next day, Kaownah woke up early and he felt very fresh and happy. Perhaps because he finally get a very good sleep last night. He turned to look at Turbo and saw the scented candle first before seeing the small boy wrapped inside his blanket like a spring roll. Kaownah smiled to how cute Turbo looked like.

He took the scented candle and examined it. It's already used up for the whole night. He wondered if that's the reason why he has a good sleep and wondered if Turbo lit that up for him because he has seen Kaownah in that state last night. He also realized that the light was on and the AC was warmer. Though it's already warmer on the outside, Kaownah felt even warm on the inside. An unfamiliar warm feeling inside his heart.

He never thought someone tight-lipped like Turbo could ever care about him that much. He smiled all the time as he decreased the AC and turned of the light's switch before going to take a shower.

He noted in his head that he will bought a new candle for Turbo to replace the used one. After he finished getting ready, he was contemplating if he should woke Turbo or not. He didn't know when is Turbo class but he didn't want to let Turbo sleep in, what if he was late to his class. But deep down he knew it better that Turbo didn't want him to interfere with his life.

He decided to ignore since it was more likely to be what Turbo wanted and about to go out of the room when Turbo's phone rang loudly but Turbo didn't react to it. Kaownah can't help but to take a look at the screen phone and saw the alarms have been missed for a countless time already. Turbo definitely be late if he still sleeping.

He shook Turbo's body lightly. His touch was gentle but enough to send shivers down his own spine. It feels different touching someone else, someone as reserved as Turbo. He shook Turbo once again ignoring the tingling sensation on his hand and the blushed creeping up to his face.

Turbo came out from his blanket annoyed. He glared at Kaownah with his fiery eyes. Kaownah was shock and afraid. He gulped down as he pointed at the missed alarm with his shaking finger. Turbo looked at his phone as the alarm went off again. He turned it off and got out of his bed. He shot daggers from his eyes at Kaownah as the dumbfounded and scared Kaownah just stood there frozen.

Seeing Turbo had disappeared into the shower, Kaownah immediately left the room and rushed to his first class. He can't be late on his first day, right?


A/N: Yo!! Double update to make up for my late update huhuhu.... First of all, I know you will say that this has the similarity with TharnType but I do that for a reason...to make Kaownah understand the feeling of being cared for, so he won't feel lonely... but I'm not going to explain a lot more because it will spoil the story hehehe... and yes this story is related to TharnType The Series so expect to see Tharn and Type in this story but not that much content about them. Once again, this is just my imagination and fiction, it's not really related to TharnType The Series as we are different writer and because I don't found any story about Lhong in TharnType anymore so I made one hahaha, how despicable I am... but guys, I need this and I know so do you hahahhaha. Like always, enjoy your reading and have a nice day.

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