How many centimeters apart?

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Turbo was so drunk that he thought he was in a taxi and asked the driver who is his own little brother Fourwheels to stop at the side road and drop him there. At first, Fourwheels ignored his brother's request but the drunk man forced him to stop. If Fourwheels did not stop at the right time, they might had involved in a car accident.

Eventually, they had to follow Turbo's request and drop him off at the side road. Kaownah assured them that he will take care of Turbo as he get off of the car too.

He immediately ran to catch up with Turbo. Fortunately, their dorm was not so far from where they got off. Kaownah assumed that they will have to walk to got there. He thought it's actually good to walk in the night. Though the air was a bit chilly but it helped to clear his mind for a while.

He walked a few centimetres away from Turbo. Not so far but not too close. Just enough for him to catch Turbo if he fall. But it looks like Turbo was a little sober. Maybe because of the oxygen finally reached to his brain.

Kaownah was looking at the ground all the time as his mind wandering off to somewhere. He wonder why he didn't say sorry to Tharn and Type when he got the chance? He regretted the chance he had wasted. Just if he had said it to them just now, he won't feel like there's something still stuck in his heart. Like a thorn piercing right through it. Why is it so hard for him to utter a sorry?

While he was thinking about this and that, Turbo crouched down. Sitting on the cold ground as he hugged his knees. He moved too fast that Kaownah thought he was falling. Kaownah immediately rushed towards him. But when he found that Turbo was just sitting down, he moved more closer and crouched down next to Turbo. His hand on Turbo's shoulder, softly gripping on it.

“Are you okay?” He asked. His eyes searching for any sign of uncomfortable on Turbo's face. But Turbo was just blankly staring to the front before slowly turned his head to look at Kaownah. Their face was just an inch apart but none of them say anything.

Turbo look at the reflection of him inside of Kaownah's eyes. But honestly, he was searching for someone else in there.

“Are you Lhong or are you Kaownah?” He asked in a dazed. Kaownah let out a heavy sighed as he stood up and took out his hand to pull Turbo up back on his feet. Turbo was hesitated but eventually he took the hand and stood up. Then they walked together side by side.

“It's okay if you don't want to reply. I just...ugh! I don't know why I care.” Turbo said in a slow tone. His eyes were on the ground the whole time he spoke.

A small smile found its way to Kaownah's face. Kaownah looked at Turbo for a few seconds before turning to the front. “I'm happy you care. You even talk a lot more with me now. I couldn't ask for anything else.” Kaownah replied.

Turbo remained silent, didn't know how to reply. A few seconds past before he started to talk again. “So, are you Lhong or are you Kaownah?” He asked again.

Kaownah hummed a little before replying. “I used to be Lhong...but if you asked who I am right now, I am Kaownah. My name is Kaownah.”

“Then, I will call you Phi Kaow then...” Turbo said.

“Phi?” Kaownah asked in a confused tone.

“I learn from the couple that you're one year older than me.” Turbo replied referring the couple to Tharn and Type.

“You talk to them?” Surprised Kaownah halted on his path. Turbo also stopped when Kaownah did. He looked at Kaownah and nodded.

“A little about this and that. I also know that you drop off of your former university. Which means now, you are starting again from semester one. It's just that you are in our campus instead.”

“What else you talk about with them?” They started to walk again when Kaownah asked. His voice was hesitant afraid that Turbo knew something that he wasn't ready to tell anyone. To be precise, the thing he didn't want to tell anyone.

“I don't remember all of the conversation.” He replied as he tried to remember again what they have talk about.

Just a few bit of words he can catch but not sure about the whole information. There's a little of 'friendship' , 'getting what we hate' and 'Kaownah's boy' but he can't comprehend the whole topic.

But then his mind hooked on the word 'Kaownah's boy'.

“What do you mean possessive? Kaownah is a good person. If not, I won't willing to be his boy.”

Turbo facepalmed himself as he remembered the sentence he just said. He was so freaking drunk that he didn't realize he said that. But what is it in the world that made him think that he is Kaownah's boy? He mentally screaming to himself. He even cursed himself with every possible cursed word he knows.

Kaownah who has been observing him started to worry about him. He pulled Turbo's palm of his forehead and replace it with the back of his hand. Feeling the temperature of Turbo which is quite hot. He thought Turbo was catching cold when the truth is Turbo was embarrassed by his own words and Kaownah's action.

“Let's go back to the dorm fast. You're burning.” Kaownah said and they continue to walk in silence. They turned around the junction and their dorm came to their sight and they knew they were getting closer.

Either the distance to the dorm or the distance between the two of them. Both are getting closer and they themselves can feel it too, but no one is saying anything, just wanted the distance to be shorter and shorter.


A/N : unedited + have a nice day everyone (^3^) How do you guys like the the new cover?

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