Angel's face

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"Are you my roommate?"

A boy with such an angelic and innocent face asked them from inside the room. Turbo blinked at the boy in front of him standing inside his room. He was about to say something when Fourwheel cut him.

"Phi Bo, you said you don't have a roommate." Both of them looked at Fourwheel.

"Oh! Right. I'm new here. I registered this morning and they gave me the key to this room. I have just finished moving my stuff." The boy explaining himself when he saw the stunned Turbo.

"I see, so what should we call you?" Fourwheel asked instead of his brother because he knows too well that his brother always try to avoid every possible interaction with people.

"My name is Lho... Kaownah. How about you two?" He introduced himself cheerfully ignoring the fact that Turbo didn't want to converse with him. He extended his hand for a handshake but Turbo just left him hanging as he entered the room without any words.

The quick-witted Fourwheel immediately grabbed Kaownah's hand and shook his hand. "I'm Fourwheel, that is my brother Turbo. Nice to meet you." Confused Kaownah then flashed Fourwheel a smile but was feeling guilty and hurt a little by Turbo's action. But he brushed it off as he offered Fourwheel to enter the room.

Fourwheel entered the room and Kaownah closed the door behind. There's sound of water running from the bathroom. They assumed that Turbo might be taking a shower. Fourwheel sat down on a tidy bed with a neat blanket folded in its place. He knew it was his brother with just first look. It was totally his brother's style.

"I'm sorry about my brother. He is having some issues and not really like talking to people. So, I hope you won't feel sad or mad, and please get used to it faster." Fourwheel explained and pleaded at the same time for people to be understanding with his brother's situation though he knew everyone has their own situations and problems.

"No problem. I'll take note of that." Kaownah smiled at Fourwheel as he eyed Fourwheel with a sincere gaze.

"I'm glad you understand. You really are like an angel. Most people can't even tolerate with him. I bet he must always get into trouble. I feel sorry for not being next to him on all those time. But I can't disobey my mom. So I have to stay in Australia until I have finished my high school." Fourwheel said giving a crumbs of their family problem to someone he just knew. But he felt safe to tell at least that much to Kaownah. It's like he can really trust Kaownah.

"Is it okay for you to tell me that?" Kaownah asked to make sure that Fourwheel really told him that not because it was slipped of mouth. Fourwheel smiled and just shrugged.

"I don't know. I just feel like you should know. And one more thing, don't tell my brother about this. I'm planning on continuing my study here." Fourwheel said with a big grin of happiness and excitement plastered on his face. Kaownah somehow feel warm with that pure smile from a boy that's two years apart from him. So in response, he nodded as he flashed a big grin to Fourwheel.

The door of the bathroom was opened and Turbo came out from the bathroom fully clothed. 'Did he wears clothes in the bathroom?' Thought the two.

"Phi, I've done doing a room tour in your room. I see why you feel comfortable living here than at home. I hope you get along with your roommate." Turbo just looked at his brother with his eyebrows knitted together.

"So, I'm going back now. No need to drive me home, I have called my friend to pick me up. Then, see you again later Phi." So with that Fourwheel left his brother with his roommate in their room.

After the door closed, Kaownah looked at Turbo drying his hair with his towel. He was thinking of words to talk about to Turbo. He knew that Fourwheel means well and he didn't want to disturb Turbo too. But, at least he needed to know something about Turbo. Something basic, something not too personal like what Fourwheel had just told him.

"Which campus do you enroll here?" Kaownah asked right away when the question came into his head.

Turbo walked to his desk and tidy it a little. Kaownah just looked at Turbo though he was panicking inside. He felt stupid for asking when he knew Turbo won't speak to him yet he still expect for answers.

But then, Turbo took a textbook and threw it on the nightstand between their beds, not too strong but not too soft. Kaownah was shocked by the sound of it that he jumped a little. Turbo looked at him with an expressionless face.

Kaownah moved his eyes from Turbo to the book. The word 'Mechanical Engineering' written in bold and gold fonts on the book cover.

"Ah... Engineering. I study Music." Kaownah scratched at the back of his head awkwardly. Turbo really didn't say a word. Kaownah looked up slowly at Turbo once again to found Turbo was already looking back at him. Their eyes locked for a few seconds before Turbo nodded and laid down on his bed, getting ready to sleep.

Kaownah was left in awkwardness as he scratched the back of his head again. Turbo was sleeping on his right side, back facing Kaownah so he didn't see how dumbfounded Kaownah looks. Then, Kaownah went out of the room to go to the university office to settle a few things he had to before starting his class the next day.

Hearing the sound of the door being closed, Turbo came out from his covers and looked around his room that half of the space was filled with Kaownah's things. He laid back on his bed while thinking to himself.

"Is he the angel they're talking about?"


A/N: There might include inaccuracies, though I have checked it a few times. Have a good day everyone. Also, I might be late but have you guys seen the video for the nittiman characters? Kaownah and Turbo (Song and Jay) are so cute XD much more than the main characters damnnnn!!! 

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