The Shield for The Storm

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The room was dark and the only source of light is from the lightning every time it struck on the sky. Kaownah was sitting at the corner of the room while crying so badly. His tears streamed down his face nonstop just like the heavy rain pouring outside. Turbo hasn't back for days so he was alone the whole time. He felt terrible since after his mistakes in past and now the past was revealed to everyone thanks to some untrustworthy people. Being alone in that kind of moment didn't help much.

He cried his heart out that he felt dry on the inside but he can't stop himself from crying. He cried so much that he lost his voice. It was so painful when the things he had built and treasure a lot collapsed down just like that right in front of his own eyes. The new friendship he had made was broken just like that as if it has no value. He never knew the feeling of being backstabbed by his own friend would hurt this much.

The feeling he didn't know he made Tharn feels before. Being backstab by the one he trusted the most. Just like him, no one ever thought a person with such an angelic face could be the worst kind of devil on the inside. He hates himself a lot for his stupid mistake in the past, having that past being brought up again just like adding insult to the injury. He regretted it a lot, but who cares about that? They will only talk about what they want to talk. Who cares about his opinions?

As the memory from the past haunted him again, he can't control himself. What he needs the most at this moment is ... Tharn.

He needs to find Tharn. He needs to explain, he needs to apologize. He can't let this thing keep disturbing his life. He was tired of being haunted and chased by the ugly memories. No matter how hard he tried to forget, he just can't. He looked at his phone on the bed as it keeps lighting up with tons of hate comments everywhere on social media. All about him being the devil for backstabbing his own friend.

Having the thoughts of Tharn in his mind, the thought of how much he needs Tharn in his life, he forced himself up and grabbed his phone on the bed. Wiping away his tears trying to calm the storm inside of him, he dialled Tharn's number with his shaking hand. After a few minutes of ringing, only the voicemail can be heard.

He tried again and failed. The only way for him to get Tharn is to go and meet Tharn. He has to go to Tharn's house. He grabbed his car key and went out of the room. He immediately went inside his car and started the engine. But unfortunately, things just don't go the way he wanted to. His car won't start. He didn't know what is the problem but it just didn't start.

He went out of the car and started walking outside of the building. He ran to the nearest bus stop but it's already night and the bus has stopped working an hour ago. He was trembling as he bit his fingers in agitation.

He was pacing back and forth finding a way to go to Tharn's. He had no choice but to walk to the main road where he can find a taxi or motorbike taxi. So he walked and walked and walked under the rainstorms. In that cold and lonely night, he was lost, trying to find his way to the main road.

He couldn't see clearly, his sight was blurry. He was shivering, his body was cold and pale that his lips turned blue. Still, he walked, slowly but still moving forward. Until one moment, he fell down to the ground. Too weak to lift himself up and continue. Should he just give up? He thought.

Why is it so hard for him to get to Tharn? Like this whole world just don't want him to go to see Tharn and the fact that he never got his feeling returned is already painful enough for him. Why does it have to be this hard?

He sat upon the ground and just let himself getting drenched in the rain. He cried again. His clothes already soaked up.

Maybe this is the repayment for what he has done to all of the victims before. Maybe this is what he deserves. Being alone with no one to be with on his side. He surrenders to his fate and destiny.

He closed his eyes to just let himself getting whatever it is coming next for him but then he felt the rain stop pouring on him but the sound of the rain still so loud for him to hear. He opened his eyes. It's still raining, but he doesn't feel any raindrops on himself. He turned around immediately and saw someone holding up an umbrella for him. But it was too blurry for him to recognize who it was.

"You think you will be forgiven if you let yourself drenched in rain like this?" One voice. A very familiar voice but he couldn't think who it was.

The man got down on his knees to reach Kaownah's level. He wiped Kaownah's wet face with the end of his sleeves. He sighed out.

"To be honest, you really don't deserve an apology." He paused as Kaownah looked at him attentively though it wasn't clear because he knows what the man said is true.

"But everyone deserves a companion." He continued.

And the air he didn't realize he was holding in was knocked out of him as he broke down into tears once again. But now, he didn't feel lonely anymore, and he didn't feel as cold as before. Something in his heart whispered, he didn't need Tharn, he needs the man in front of him now and a realisation finally hit him when he remembered to whom that voice belongs to.

Turbo, his roommate who he thought hate him so much.

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