A Step Closer

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“Oii! Why is today so hot?” April whined as he fanned herself using a few pieces of paper she was holding in her hand.

“It's not something new, why are you complaining?” April's friend, Melody replied nonchalantly as she walked beside April with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

“I know... But today just, ugh! Why is it so hard to get a picture of Phi' Turbo? I'm angry you know! It wasn't that hard to take just one picture... But why did he–”

“Who didn't want to take a picture?” Kaownah who has just come interrupted as he walked next to April. He was anticipating in any of their conversation because he just loved talking to April and Melody.

“It's just this one senior from Engineering faculty. April has been trying to get his picture since first semester but he just keep refusing.” Melody replied in April's place.

“At first he kept refusing but now.... He just keep ignoring my request!!! You know? It wasn't that hard to take just a single picture!!! Why does he take it as such a big deal!?!?” April was very frustrated that she stopped walking and her other friends stopped too.

They just watched April being frustrated while hitting the papers she held in her hand. Melody probably already used to it and just listening as she looked around, checking her nails waiting for April to calm down by herself. Meanwhile Kaownah was panicking on how to help April reduced her anger. He tried to help April calmed down by telling her to inhale and exhale a few times. But April was not an easy girl.

“How about... You just take my pictures?” He offered while posing a few post in front of April. April and Melody looked at him unbelievable. They both broke into a big laughter.

“Why?” Kaownah asked suddenly being ashamed from what he was been doing just now. He smiled as he looked down at the ground. “Do I look weird?” He asked and the girls began another phase of laughter.

“Are you that worried about April?” Melody asked as she calmed herself down from those laughter saga.

“Thank you so much for helping me loosen up a little.” She said and patted Kaownah on his shoulder. Kaownah looked up with a smile on his face. He felt glad that he actually helped.

“But, why are you so mad that you can't get his picture? I'm sure there are a lot more people who can replace him.” Kaownah said as they started to walked again.

“I forgive you because you are still new here. But, you should know about him. Phi' Turbo is the cold-hearted prince who no one can ever persuade. Like ever, he never really participate in any college events nor just a causal party even among the students in their faculty.” Melody started.

“Wait, you said Phi' Turbo? You really mean that Turbo?” Kaownah asked wanting a confirmation. Melody nodded before replying. “There's only one famous Turbo in this college.”

“But I think, what you said earlier is right. I can just find a replacement for him, why do I have to waste my time on him.” April joined in the conversation.

“Heyyy! You can't just abandoned Phi'Turbo. You must get his picture!” Melody argued.

“You try getting his pictures then.” April retorted and Melody fell into silence. Kaownah nodded, still processing the new information he got about Turbo though it wasn't really new since he knew Turbo is the type who doesn't talk to people. But he was excited for knowing that Turbo is that popular in their college.

“But, if he isn't the top student in their faculty I won't be this desperate to get his pictures. He wasn't even that handsome. Doesn't worth my time.” April complained and Melody cut her words.

“No!!! He is handsome, cool, has this bad boy vibe but actually a genius. He is just so amazing.” Melody admiringly talked about Turbo.

“I know. I'm just trying to coax my heart here. Why do you have to pain me this way?” April replied in a sad voice. They were both sounded like they will burst into tears anytime.

“Bad boy be playing our heart like this.. Aww Phi' Turbo! Why is it so hard to get you?” Melody added. They totally forgot about Kaownah who was stopping on his track as the girls went into the girls washroom.

Kaownah went into the boys washroom with his thought filled with a new side of Turbo that he just knew. Thanks to April and Melody, he was one stepped closer to get to know about Turbo.

Kaownah's class has ended and he was told to register for a club by his mentor. He was told to join the Music club as he was studying in music field. They said it would help with his co-academic mark. Since he didn't know much about the university's system, he just went by with what he has been told.

He walked to the music club room which isn't so far from his faculty. As he reached the club, he entered the club and everyone's attention on him. There were not many people but probably enough to make Kaownah felt awkward standing there alone.

“What are you doing here?” Asked a man sitting on the left side of the room closed to the entrance. Kaownah turned to look at that man and inhaled amount of air before talking.

“I come to register for this club. My mentor told me I have to have a club to help my co-academic points.” He said and the man nodded. Everyone else in the room were back doing their own things as Kaownah's existence was nothing new to them.

“You want to join this club? Is there anything you bring to impress us?” Another man coming closed to then after he had finished tuning on the guitar for someone. They are probably the senior who treat the club music as their kingdom. Those seniors who thought they are the one who rules the club.

Kaownah knew, he knew it too well since he once had seen this same situation before at his former university. He smiled and confidently replied to them.

“I don't really good at playing instruments but I can sing very well. I can dance too.”

“If you are just going sing and dance... Why don't you just join the cheerleader club?” The two seniors laughing over their own sarcastic remarks while Kaownah just stood there looking down at the floor. He gulped, panicked and afraid at the same time.

Since the seniors look more like the bully type, maybe they will accept him if he let them manipulate him, like being their lackey. He was planning to buy them food and was about to ask for a permission to go out.

“Then, I will bring you another thing.” He slowly spoke. He pointed at the door before proceeding to ask for a permission.

But right at that moment...

“What should I do to be accepted here?”

A cold voice echoed in the whole room which by just the existence of that person's shadow would made anyone stunned. Every eyes glued to the entrance as well as the seniors. Confused Kaownah turned around slowly looking at the entrance.

“You bring Turbo to our club?”


A/N: No author's note.

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