"Have Tharn met you yet?"

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The party was pretty formal. Probably because there were many corporate members and friends of Tharn's dad. It was much more of a office party vibes than a birthday party for a younger man.

The hotel hall was spacious. There were almost hundreds people coming to Type's birthday party and that include Kaownah, Turbo, Kong and Fourwheels.

They were coming together since they were living at the same place and going to also the same place. But, unlike Turbo, Fourwheels and Kong, Kaownah was nervous because unlike them, he knew very well the person who is celebrating the birthday and he knew very well the organizer of this party. As much as he wanted to left the party, he didn't want to let her sister down.

Turbo could sense the uncomfortability of Kaownah and he has been secretly looking at him for every minutes. If he could, he just wanted to drag Kaownah and go back to their dorm because he also feel uncomfortable to attend such event with a lot of people. Mostly when there were older people who always has a lot of expectations towards young man like them. He just freaking hate it. If not because of Fourwheels, he probably had ripped the invitation card already.

Turbo who is used to ignore his surroundings just focus on the food in front of him. Meanwhile, Kaownah was anxiously looking around. He didn't even spare a glance on the food in front of him. Turbo sighed out. The more he looked at Kaownah the more he felt uncomfortable as well.

“Hey...are you trying to avoid seeing someone or you actually want to be seen by someone?” Turbo asked in his cold and low voice but heard clearly by Kaownah.

Kaownah turned to look at Turbo who was sitting beside him. Their eyes met and somehow, it helps Kaownah to relax a bit. His anxious eyes turned soft and he shook his head.

“Am I too obvious?” He asked slowly. Like a coward he is.

“Er..” Turbo's short reply. Kaownah let out a small sighed and turned to his food. He grabbed the spoon and started to eat slowly. For some reason, the 5 star dishes felt so unappetising. Not long after he started eating, a voice greeted him.

“Aow! Lhong. You come!”

Surprised, Kaownah looked at his side almost too fast.

P' Thorn.

“Don't you remember me?” He asked. Kaownah blinked at him twice with no reply.

“I'm getting sad now.” He continued.

“No, Phi...I...I remember you. Of course. How can I forget you? Actually, it's me who is surprised that you still remember me.” Kaownah replied.

“P'THORN!!” Before Thorn could reply, a loud voice calling for him from a distance. When Thorn looked at that person, he motioned his hand calling for Thorn to come with him.

“I have to go now. Talk to you again later.” He said and gave Kaownah a little pat on the shoulder. Then, with a cheeky smile he left.

Kaownah let out a breathe that he didn't realize he was holding in. His shaky hand grabbed the spoon on the plate. But his mind was lost and he couldn't even think of anything. Not even he knows how to breathe properly.

Turbo who has been secretly listening, was confused on the other side. The food suddenly become his last priority. His mind was spinning trying to process what he had just heard.

He already knew that Kaownah has something to do with Tharn, the one who is the boyfriend of the birthday boy. But he was confused as who is Lhong...

...or maybe who is Kaownah?

“Phi Kaow, are you okay?” Fourwheels asked when he and Kong just got back with dessert on their hand. Turbo also immediately looked at Kaownah who was breathing unevenly.

Kaownah looked up at Fourwheels and nodded. Kaownah tried to breathe properly. Exhaling and inhaling for a few times. When he started to feel fine, he stood up and excuse himself to go to the washroom.

Turbo watched him left before shifting his eyes to look at Fourwheels. Then, he also excused himself to go get some drinks.

Kaownah washed his face for a few times to help freshen up himself a bit. Then he grabbed the tissue to wipe his wet face.

“What did you say? You can't come on the competition day?”

Suddenly, a loud voice was heard from outside of the washroom. Kaownah's tensed up again as he recognize the familiar voice. The owner of the voice then entered the washroom.

“They always like this. Like to give me trouble!” He whined alone. His eyes still on his phone as he quickly type something on it. Kaownah froze in front of the sink. He has been like that for a while since the person entered because he can clearly see from the long mirror who it was.

Their eyes met on the mirror.

“Ai' Lhong.” He said with a surprised voice.

“Techno...” Kaownah trailed.

“Why did you come here?” Techno asked coldly.

“I...come in place of my sister.” He replied slowly.

“In place of your sister...or because you want to make another problem here?” Techno sarcastically asked.

“Can't you let that go already? I'm repenting here. If I could I won't come either.” Kaownah replied more like a beg asking for Techno to forget the past though he himself knows that it wasn't easy to just forget the things he had done.

Techno sighed out. “Then, did Tharn and Type know you are coming?”

Kaownah shook his head in response while Techno nodded.

“Can you please...don't tell them?” Kaownah asked politely. Sincerely asking him to not let either Tharn or Type to know. But before Techno gave his response, the door to the washroom was pushed by Type who was searching for Techno.

Kaownah's eyes and Type's locked with eachother. Fear was written on Kaownah's eyes.

“Why is he here? Techno...Why are you with him?” Another cold voice and this time from Type. If there are more cold voice he heard, Kaownah would probably vomit again and if the cold uninviting voice come from Tharn, Kaownah would probably feel much worst and wanted to vanish from this world.

“Techno! I'm asking you! What is he doing here?” Type started to rage.

“Type, calm down! Listen first.” Techno soothed his angry friend.

“Type...” Kaownah slowly called Type's name. Type's fierce eyes that were looking at Techno shifted to Kaownah and fire probably burning in it.

“What!? Does Tharn knows you are here!?” There's a clear hatred in his voice.

“If you want to meet Tharn, fine. Follow me!” He said and left the washroom. Techno looked at Kaownah whose eyes fixed on the door where Type just went out from.

Then, Techno also left without any words. Kaownah gulped down as he started to feel anxiety again. He looked at the mirror and saw his reflection standing under the dim light. His eyes were watery. He look the worst tonight. That angel face of him, were swallowed down by the demon of his past.

He didn't want it. Never want it to ever exist. But he knew it was too late now.


A/N : I'm sorry for the late update. Just finish with my assignments and the exam is coming near. Plus, I'm the worst at managing time so... Pls forgive me tukhon 🙏🥺 and thank you for patiently waiting for me.... I appreciate you guys a lot 😭😭😭. Rakk tukhon makk makk 💕💕

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