A Very Close Senior

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Kaownah left the washroom after the second time washing his face. He immediately went to their table and found only Fourwheels and Kong there. He asked for where Turbo is and they said Turbo went to get some drinks.

“Let's go back home. I'm going to search for Turbo first.” He said in rushed.

The confused Kong and Fourwheels asked at the same time, “Why so rush Phi?”

“I...I have practice session tomorrow.” He lied but Kong and Fourwheels just nodded and wait there for Kaownah got back with Turbo before they went yo the parking lot.

Kaownah was passing through people just to find the one particular small boy.

But, instead of meeting with that boy...considered him as unlucky when his eyes met a pair of the fierce eyes from before.

“There you are. Still brave enough to find us!” Type said which made Tharn who was standing beside him to turn around and saw Kaownah.

Kaownah gulped down as Tharn and Type made their way to where he was standing. “Ai' Lhong.” Tharn called out. Though he sounds not so happy but at least his voice was much softer.

“A...Ai'...Ai' Tharn...” Kaownah stuttered. He shifted his gaze from seeing right through in Tharn's to Type.

“Happy Birthday naa Type.” He said out of nowhere.

“Hm?” Feeling surprised, Type exchanged his gaze with Tharn.

“Er..khob khun.” Type replied but his gaze is everywhere except Kaownah. Kaownah smiled a little as he found Type's reaction is cute.

“How have you been doing?” Tharn asked gently as he put his arm around Type's shoulder and Kaownah's eyes followed the movement. Then he shook his thought of being hurt away.

If someone asked did he still likes Tharn, he would say 'not as much as before'. But if someone asked if he has move on, the answer is obviously 'no'. But he also dared to say that he can live without Tharn now. He is in the process of forgetting him. He will be fine without him.

“I'm good...pretty good though sometimes I feel lonely...” Kaownah trailed with a low voice at the end of his sentence.

“Aow! How about Turbo then?” Tharn asked. Sincerely confused and surprised hearing Kaownah saying that he is lonely.

Hearing the familiar name, Kaownah stunned for a good few seconds.

‘How about Turbo then?’ The question repeating itself in Kaownah's mind. Confused on how to reply and what's the correct word to describe it.

“He is your very close senior..right?” Type asked in a teasing tone.

“You being stunned like that, there must be something between you guys.” Tharn said with a smile plastered on his face as same as Type.

“Are you guys teasing me right now?” He asked with a blushed on his face. He didn't even know why he blushed when there's obviously nothing between them except the warm and gentle care they have for eachother.

Suddenly, there's a loud thud from somewhere followed by a few shrieks from the women around there. It's like something has fall or more like someone just fell down.

Everyone's attention diverted to where the sound come from. After finally found the source of it, Kaownah was so surprised that he immediately dashed to the place after recognizing who it was. He called out the name.


Kaownah grabbed the small arm of the person who was struggling to stand on his own feet. He was obviously and completely drunk.

“Just how much have you drink? And just why did you drink that many?” Kaownah whispered to himself but was heard by Turbo clearly.

“Because I can't stop myself. I want you to stop me. I need you to be by my side.” He replied unconsciously.

Though Kaownah knew he was unconscious, he was surprised with the answer given. His eyes glued on Turbo all the time as they walked out of the hall followed by Kong and Fourwheels.


A/N : unedited + have a nice day everyone <3

I put this video  here for everyone to watch XD

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