Another Past that Come Back

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Kaownah tried. He has been practicing social distancing from Turbo.

He didn't come to Turbo's faculty anymore. He didn't follow Turbo to his part time job anymore and when Turbo came back to the dorm, he already asleep and went out early next morning. They literally have not much interaction lately.

It's almost a week.

Kaownah just finish with his practice and was on his way to the dorm. He checked the clock on his phone and decided to buy dinner to eat at dorm.

On his way, a man running passed by him and he looks very scared. The man who was after the another man, asked Kaownah where did the man go but Kaownah covered for him saying that the man go to another way. Then, the man believed in Kaownah and followed the way.

Kaownah stop at some street vendor and was buying some food when he was being dragged away by the man just now. The man is bulky and way stronger than Kaownah so he can't let go of his hand.

Kaownah was pushed to the hard brick wall by the man.

"So you are the one who lied just now. Why? You want to save him? Why don't do it now?" Another man who seems like the boss asked and slapped real hard on Kaownah's right cheeks. Kaownah winced in pain. Then he saw the man running away just now being tied up on the opposite wall.

It was a little dark and the only light than shines the quite alley is the street light, but Kaownah still can made the man's figure. He was thin, small and probably a little shorter than him. That man was shivering. He was probably scared.

"Ehh... Wait a minute. You seems familiar." He said and hold Kaownah's face to get a full view of Kaownah's look.

"I know it.. I'm not wrong about you. I still remember you boy. You paid me a huge amount of money to find few men and gang up over this one small boy...." The leader looked back at the shivering man and continued.

"...who looks just like him." Then he turned back to face Kaownah. Kaownah's eyes widen as the past memory flashbacks in his mind.

"What makes you want to help him? We don't even want to do anything to him.. we are just going to... sell him to the famous gay bar." The man continued. The shivering man is now crying begging to let him go. But of course they won't listen.

"Since we once have a nice business before.. I let you of here boy." The leader said to Kaownah. Then, he asked his two assistants to bring the boy to the car.

The man dusted Kaownah's shirt and let him go. "See you again boy, if you need anything, I'm still at the same place." he said and left the alley.

But before he get to step out of alley, Kaownah pulled him and pushed him to the floor as he launched a punch after punch. Kaownah was so mad that he almost went crazy and being out of control. The man can't even fight him back when Kaownah sit on top of him and keep throwing punch that his knuckles almost turned to white.

The leader's assistants was nowhere to be seen and there was no one around except them and Lee who unintentionally passed by the alley and saw the scene. He recognised it was Kaownah and the first thing that come to his mind is Turbo. He quickly dialled for Turbo's number.


"You are Turbo right?" a girl asked Turbo when he was about to walk out of his class. Turbo just nodded in response.

"Err.. someone is searching for you outside the faculty." she said. Turbo thanked her and went out. On his way out, he was confused and thinking so deeply who could it be. There's no way Kaownah would tell anyone he was searching for him because it's already obviously he came for Turbo. As he was so occupied with his own mind, he bumped into someone almost the same size as him.

"Aow Phi... Dont you look to where you are walking?" The familiar voice asked.

'Ah... It's Fourwheels.' He whispered. He was disappointed without realising it himself.

"Are you disappointed that it was me?" Fourwheels asked. Turbo just shrugged.

"Why are you here?" Turbo asked.

"Where are you going next? We want to go eat outside tonight. Would you like to join us?" Fourwheels asked as he pointed at him and Kong.

"You guys can go..."

"But you have to go too. We are celebrating for our last day of test. It will be too boring if it was just the two of us. So I want you to tag along." Fourwheels said and Kong nodded.

Turbo hasn't been spending time with his lovely little brother for too long, so he decided to join them and text White that he wasn't coming today.

As they arrived at the Chinese Restaurant, they sat at the table nearest to the glass window and they can clearly see the outside. Then, they make an order and wait for they order to arrive.

Ring.. Ring..

Turbo took out his phone and accept the call.

"Hello Phi Lee."

"Turbo.. where are you? Please come here faster!!"

"Why phi? What happened? But I'm far from workshop now."

"How far? You should come here immediately right now at Soi 3. I found Kaownah..."

On the mention of Kaownah's name, Turbo immediately stood up and went out of the restaurant.

"Where did you say again?" He said then immediately caught a cab. He was rushing.

"Why what happen?" Fourwheels asked Kong confusedly. Kong shook his head and shrugged.

"How could I know what happen?"

They both sighed heavily.

[a/n] : as usual, it's not edited so please forgive my mistakes. :) Btw, Nitiman is coming so soon I'm excitedddd ! Then, have a nice day tukhon <3

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