I play for you, You sing for me

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Without further explanation or even before Kaownah get to explain whatever is actually happening or even before he could grasp the whole situation, he and Turbo were accepted into the club and Turbo ain't complaining since he has to join the club too.

Turbo has been studying at that university for 2 years and he hasn't join any club and has never participate in any university's events and activities. No one could ever convince him to join any and even his mentor has given up on him. They just let him do whatever he wanted to do.

But, the Dean of his faculty had scolded him and forced him to join any club of his choice at least one club. If he ain't joining any nor took part in any even, his final semester overall course mark will be deducted and there's possibility he might need to repeat the whole semester. Turbo had had enough of this university and has no choice other than to join a club so he can graduate on time.

After surveying most of the club, he found his interest on Music club. He is very good at playing musical instruments mostly guitar. So it will be easier for him than to join a drama club where he needed to express himself through dialogue and expression. Music is better in most of way for him. In addition, Music club will be conducting an event in the nearest time so he can participate in the event faster so he can also finish his activity faster and back to his daily normal life.

While Turbo was tuning the guitar, Kaownah was just sitting there frozen still trying to understand the whole situation. He was sitting in front of Turbo also holding a guitar on his lap. Turbo looked up at Kaownah who was lost in his own mind. His eyes were looking blankly into the space.

Turbo then shifted his glance back to his guitar and ignored Kaownah. He played the guitar and a soft melody came to greet Kaownah's ear. His attention was drifted off to Turbo.

“You can play guitar?” He asked. Turbo looked up at him again and nodded in response.

“Hmm... that's good for you. I might only use guitar as props. I can't really play any instruments.” He stated. Turbo just looked at him then back at his guitar.

“Okay everyone, P'Bright is already here. So we can start with our audition to choose 3 groups to perform on our Talent Show event at the end of this month.” Said the one who was bullying Kaownah just now.

“Audition? Like right now? How about us? We just join the club today.” Kaownah was panicking as he talk to himself but loud enough for anyone who was sitting close to him.

A boy who sat behind him touched his shoulder and Kaownah turned to look at him.

“It's an audition for this month-end event. Last week they said, they will choose only 3 groups to perform and to be qualified to perform, there must be at least 3 members of the band consist guitarist, singer and writer. All club members had to join the audition. Guess you have no choice. You will need to find your group members now.” He explained. Kaownah nodded to show that he understands and thanks the boy afterwards.

He was looking around the room and guess that everyone probably already had their group members. Even the boy from before also preparing with his group members.

He looked at Turbo who didn't show any expression. He didn't even panic or anything. But seeing Kaownah sweating all over, Turbo spoke up.

“How about we team up. Others might already had their group members. But we have to at least try.” Turbo said as he looked right at Kaownah's face.

Kaownah was surprised to hear the invitation from Turbo to join him together.

“Sure! I love too. But he said, we need to have atleast 3 members.” Kaownah said.

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