Rules of 8 seconds

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It's been a week after the incident. Type had asked the admin to take down the article and eventually everything has been settled. Both sides didn't want this thing to be even bigger. It's not that Type accepting Lhong's apology but he didn't want the past story to come haunted their current life.

The issue had died down. No one ever talked about it again after they know how Kaownah actually suffers from an anxiety attack and they are trying to belief in Kaownah when he said in his post that he is repenting and will become a better person. Though, a few groups of people still can't accept him.

Kaownah has been following Turbo around since then. Every day after class, Kaownah will be seen standing in front of the Faculty of Engineering waiting for Turbo. It has been a routine and no one actually cares about his existence there. Turbo, at first was okay with it but after being followed almost every day, he started to get annoyed.

Kaownah no longer hanging out with the two girls; April and Melody. Turbo knew how Kaownah is feeling. He must be so overwhelmed with too many people looking at him. He must felt suffocated being in that situation alone. It's not that Turbo didn't want to help Kaownah, but they were stuck together almost every time, everywhere and for the whole day during Saturday and Sunday. 

He didn't feel uncomfortable around Kaownah, it's just sometimes he felt Kaownah's action is more than just a friend's gestures. He felt awkward.


"Hey, Kaownah has been hanging around here a lot. Those two stuck like gum and inseparable." Lee said.

"It's only a week. Don't exaggerate." White replied.

"What if they actually end up together?" Lee spoke out his thought out loud for the whole world to hear. Kaownah's eyes still glued on Turbo who was fixing a motorbike.

"What do you mean?" White asked.

"Well, I have been hearing quite a lot of rumours lately..." Lee replied.

Turbo immediately looked up at White and Lee. But the two was so into their own conversation that they forgot there are other two people exist. Turbo shifted his eyes back to the engine but his ears were surely eavesdropping the two. He didn't want to be a busybody, but he has a feeling that they were talking about him. He needed to know about it no matter what.

"I have heard a few students talking... and most of them are girls...they were talking about how Kaownah would be such a perfect boyfriend..."

"They must be talking for them.."

"No.. listen to me first. They are saying that Kaownah and Turbo would make a perfect couple. They were going everywhere together and Kaownah always has this look in his eyes when he was looking straight at Turbo."

"What look?"

"The look of adoration. Just like when someone is in love with another person. Do you know? Like having crush.."

" is this some kind of drama or what?"

Hearing that... Turbo was curious as well. What kind of look are they talking about? Then, without thinking too much, he turned his head to look at Kaownah and their eyes met.

Their eyes were locked with each other and they probably have been looking at each other for more than 8 seconds. By the rules of falling in love, when you look at someone's eyes for more than 8 seconds, you will surely fall in love. So does Turbo. He thought that his mind is just playing a trick with his heart when his heart beating when he looks straight into Kaownah's eyes. Something in his eyes made him to not want to stop looking.

That's only the eyes, how would it be if it's a kiss then? Will he feel the same? Will he feel to not want to stop kissing those plump lips? Turbo brushed everything out of his mind. He was almost fell into his own imagination. He was quick to pull himself back together and continue doing his works.

"Told you, they will probably fall in love later," Lee said.

"If they don't, you owe me 300 baht." White retorted.



Kaownah and Turbo were walking back together to their dorm from Turbo part-time job. They were walking side by side.

"Can you...not walk with me anymore?" Turbo hesitatedly asked.

"Why? Do I bother you?" Kaownah asked.

"Well, it's not that.. it's just. I don't want to have another rumour with you."

"What rumour?"

"Are you serious? You really don't know or you are just pretending not to know?"

"I...really don't know what you are talking about."

"It's good if you don't know then, you don't need to know. Just know that I don't want you to wait for me in front of my faculty anymore. Don't come to find me. Just stop following me around. You are making me feel awkward." Turbo confessed everything out.

"D-did I? So.. I was bothering you all this time..."

"I..." Turbo halted. He didn't know what to reply. He really didn't want Kaownah to be anywhere around him since the rumours will continue to spread. But at the same time, he pitied him for not being able to make friends again.

a/n : I'm stopping by for a while just to let you know that my hell like semester is almost at the end and I will be back to update again ☺️ have a nice day everyone <3

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