It was never a secret

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"I never knew you have such a secret and coming out in front of everyone like that... you are so cool naa phi!!" Boom excitedly showed his two thumbs up to Turbo who was sitting on his bed restlessly. He kept switching his phone on and off.

"Phi... can you calm down? Trust me, they won't do anything to Phi Kaow." Boom continued.

"Phi Kaow? What's with the nickname?" Turbo asked slightly possessive of his boyfriend being called with his nickname by someone else, though it was his cousin.

"We are going to be a family anyway. I think I should start practising calling him that. Fourwheels call him that and that was fine. Phi Kaow probably doesn't care if I call him that too."

"But I care! I should tell Fourwheels to stop calling him Phi Kaow and start calling him by his full name instead." 

"Gosh your possessiveness. I can't even -- but seriously? Do you really have the mood to be jealous right now? Just a second ago you were worried and now ..." Boom was silenced when Turbo's eyes shooting daggers towards him. 

The silenced making the door's creak sounds so loud. Turbo was quick to look at the door and immediately disappointed when it was Fourwheels who entered.

"Are you that disappointed to see me coming?" Fourwheels asked but Turbo just remained silent.

"Don't worry, father just want to get to know him better. Mom is fine, Na' Padd is fine and surprisingly father is fine with it too." Fourwheels said.

Hearing the words did manage to calm Turbo a little but thinking that his boyfriend with anxiety meeting people was down there with his father he can't help but feel worried. 

"That what makes it worst. Father actually accepting something like this is just absurd... it doesn't sound like him at all!" Turbo stated firmly.

The word his father said at the dining table just now echoed in his mind and keep repeating the same words.


"Kaownah and I, we are in a relationship!"

"Thought you are not going to tell us." His father said. His gaze broke of from Kaownah's and he immediately turned to look at his father.

"You have known about it all this time, didn't you? How? Are you spying on me?" Turbo was almost raging.

"Calm down, Turbo. I believe he did that with a good intention." His mom said and slowly stroking her son's arm. Turbo's father nodded his head slowly.

"I was just worried. After you left the house that night in the rain, I couldn't sleep at all and was worried all night long about you. So I called my secretary and asked him to search for you and ever since then, I have been keeping an eye on you. I'm afraid something bad will happen to you. But then again, I guess there's nothing to be worried about since this man is with you." Turbo's father said. His last sentence had affected both Kaownah and Turbo.

Turbo's angry face had smoothened bit by bit and now his face showed a pure shock. Kaownah's expression mirroring Turbo's while his father just smiled softly.

"Does that mean... you are fine with this? With us? The relationship ..." Turbo's sentence wasn't finished when his dad nodded without pausing or stuttering.

Turbo turned to look at his mom, his aunty and also Boom who were just smiling there.

"Mom doesn't really care about it, you don't have to overthink. We were separated for too long, I dare to say that Kaownah probably knows about you a lot more than I do. If he is your happiness, then I am more than glad to accept him." His mom said and this time stroking his head adoringly. Kaownah looked down on his lap, feel a little embarrassed, a little bit happy and a little more bit of guilty since Turbo did all the talking while he just remained silent like a stone.

"It's your life, what does it has to do with our opinion?" His aunty, Na'Padd said as Boom nodded in agreement. A small smile slowly crept up on Turbo's face as he turned to look at Kaownah who already staring back at him with a full smile.

Then, they continue to eat and chit chat about this and that about their life in the college and so on. After eating, Turbo's father insisted for Kaownah to stay and have a desert with him at the lounge while the others were told that they may go back to their room. Turbo hesitated but Boom was dragging him back to the room eagerly. Fourwheels had volunteered to wash the dishes and so he did.


"Come on phi... trust father a little bit. He was worried about you, you are his son anyway of course he wanted the best thing for you." Fourwheels said as he plopped down on the bed and took out his phone to play a game.

"But Phi Kaow is the bestest thing I could ever imagine to get." Turbo replied shyly.

Meanwhile, at the lounge,

"So, you are from the family Kaewcharoen, right?" Turbo's father asked and Kaownah nodded slowly as he swallowed down the pudding.

"Are you planning to keep it a secret from your family?" 

Kaownah thought for some moment.

"No. Once they arrived in Thailand, I will tell them directly face to face... it would be better if Turbo can... oh no. He is the one who plucked up the courage and told everyone about us today. Then, I will be the one to speak in front of my family. I think there will be no need to bring him." He replied. He didn't even know why he gave away so much information since he wasn't someone who was usually quick to open up to someone.

Turbo's father nodded his head.

"I knew you won't disappoint me." He said and chuckled before sipping his coffee. "That's good than keeping it a secret forever."

"But uncle..."

"Just call me father."

"Oh... sure. But father, our relationship was never a secret. People just never ask or they are just never interested." Kaownah said and scooping for his third pudding already.

Turbo's father smiled as he softly stroked the boy with his eyes.

"Your sister is an important client of our company. I know her very well. If things went bad with your family side when you are coming out to them, I'm willing to help." He said confidently full of care and love and Kaownah could feel the sincerity in his word.

Kaownah nodded but still, he assured that nothing will ever go wrong on his family's side since his family was so used to the foreign culture. They would probably accept their youngest brother without any question or doubt.

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