I have to be with you.

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It's the day of the event.

The committee were all tied to their schedule and their tasks. Everyone went to stand by at their station and get ready for the event to start.

This included Turbo and Kaownah. Kaownah was setting his keyboard while Turbo was with his guitar. They were both in a different band.

Though they both have their own music band, that didn't mean they were getting well to be a group. They all just get along with it to pass the final project and Turbo and his team just want this event to end fast since they have been spending too much practising and preparing for this event. It was so freaking tiring.

As the performance started, the times ticking and the day went by. Finally, it was night and the event had ended. After tidying the place and making sure everything has been cleaned up, the leader of the programme clapped his hand to gather everyone's around.

"Great job for all the days we spent for this event. Tonight... our supervisor will be buying our dinner. Let's go to the Steamboat near the campus. See you guys there." He announced and everyone cheered though it wasn't that loud since everyone is so tired. Everyone shifted to get their own things and moved to the said place for the dinner.

Students from the music faculty were also invited since they also played a big role in this event, it wasn't good to leave them out after all their hard work.

Kaownah was planning to get back to his dorm since he didn't see any reason for him to be there. He was indeed practising hard for the event, but he just felt like he wasn't welcomed there. He didn't even get along well with his teammate. It's better for him to just go back, take a refreshing shower, and go to bed early.

But, Bright who was in charge of the music students caught Kaownah going another way instead of the steamboat restaurant.

"Wait a minute... where are you going?" He asked as he put his hand on Kaownah's shoulder. Kaownah stopped on his track.

"Going home phi... I'm so damned tired." He replied.

"We all do. But you haven't eaten dinner yet. The supervisor is paying, there's no need to worry. Let's just go, they felt bad enough to get us involved." Bright said.

"But, we don't even have a choice. We do that for our final marks." Kaownah replied and the leader sighed.

"Come on... just come and eat. I know you don't have that many friends, that's why you want to flee away, right? Listen, if you keep running away, how will you change their view of you? Because you a bad person? So what? We are all bad in someone's story. Everyone makes mistake, right?"

"But phi... my mistake is not that simple. It can't be ended by just apologizing." 

Bright sighed again. "I'm not listening to any of your excuses. Now you have to come." He said and dragged Kaownah to the said restaurant.

When they arrived, everyone has started eating. There's a lot of chatter and it was noisy just from all the committee.

Bright went to sit at the empty seat and brought Kaownah to sit next to him. As if in the queue, another person from the engineering, Bohn came and sit in front of them. Kaownah learned that his senior and that engineering student are friends. It's not like he can ask to sit at other places since it's already full everywhere. 

When he was looking around, his eyes fell on a boy who was standing pointlessly somewhere near the vending machine. It looks like he wasn't fit well in the crowd. Drinking awkwardly. As if he doesn't belong there at all. Either he has no place to sit down or he was just forced to be there.

Looking that there's no one coming to talk to the boy, Kaownah abruptly stood up and went straight to the boy. He pulled the boy by his arm and brought him to their table.

Bright was confused at first but then understand why he did that.

"Aow Turbo! I thought you were going home." Bohn said.

"I was about to go home," Turbo replied.

Bright stood up and went to sit next to Bohn and let Kaownah sit with Turbo.

"By the way, good work for today," Bohn said and started cooking their food.

Bright and Bohn were so into their own conversation that they paid no intention to the two in front of them. Kaownah and Turbo were awkwardly silent. They don't even know what to talk about to each other. The whole eating session was so quiet at Kaownah and Turbo's side. Sometimes, Kaownah silently put some of his food on Turbo's plate and Turbo would annoyingly return them back but still ended up eating all of it since Kaownah won't give up.

"Err.. Turbo get me some more water." Bohn said and Turbo obeyed. Kaownah just looked at Turbo all the time he moved to get the water until he went back to the table.

"Aren't you too obvious?" Bright asked Kaownah.

"What do you mean phi?" Kaownah asked back. Bright smirked and shifted his gaze towards Turbo who has no idea about his surrounding and just keep eating.

"If you don't want to regret it later, try to keep what you want," Bright eyes back to Kaownah. Kaownah looked down for a second and then looked back up at his senior then he nodded.

Then the not-so-called party has finally ended and it was 2 in the morning when they all went back home.

Kaownah and Turbo were going on the same way. But, there was so much distance between them.

"If you don't want to regret it later, try to keep what you want," Bright's words echoed in his mind.

"I'll keep what's mine safe." He voiced out his mind. It was supposed only for him to hear but since the surrounding was too quiet, Turbo happened to hear it and thought Kaownah was talking to him.

"What did you say?" Turbo asked turning around, his heartbeat was fast because obviously, he was nervous. He clutched on his bag straps tightly in the hope to control his wild heartbeat. Kaownah stopped a few centimetres away from Turbo. They weren't too close nor too far.

"I never asked for so much. This will probably be the last thing I will desperately ask for in this life. That's for us to be together." Kaownah said confidently and Turbo was slightly shocked by it. He looked down a little embarrassed by the sudden confession.

"Why are you saying all these things..." Turbo slowly started to talk but was cut off by Kaownah.

"Tharn, is a battle that I lost even before I properly fight for it and that's because I made a wrong move. In their story, Tharn and Type are meant to be together and I am the bad person in their story. But right now, this is my story and I have to be with you no matter what it takes. You are the one that I want to fight for. I'm not going to make any wrong move again. I hope you will give me chance to be in your life." 

Turbo looked up at Kaownah and gulped. "You already are a part of my life." He replied. He didn't even know if it was him unconsciously talking or that's just his brain spitting out facts.

"Am I really?" Kaownah asked to make sure of it and Turbo slowly nodded. His face was slightly red as he looked down again.

"As you say, this is your story. So you have to complete it and achieve your biggest dream." Turbo continued. Kaownah walked more closer.

"Since this is my story, I choose you and I have to be with you." Kaownah slowly lifted Turbo's head to look straightly at his face. Their eyes met and Kaownah could see the reflection of him in Turbo's eyes as well as Turbo who could see the light of happiness in Kaownah's.

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