Demon on the Inside

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Cute boy?

Turbo scoffed over the praise he gets too often. He hate them for talking about him, either good or bad, he just hates them all. He didn't understand why people like to talk about other people as if they know them. They don't even know the real person or what that person true identity is.

Just like him. They talked about him, adores him, hates him, but they don't know who he is on the inside. They don't know what he has been through or what he has been hiding or what is it inside his mind. They know nothing about him except the thing that they saw on the outside.

He walked out of the university building to the parking lot where he parked his car this morning. As he reached closer to his car, he was greeted by a boy in white hoodies and black jeans leaning on his car as if it was his.

"What take you so long, Phi?" A familiar voice greeted him. He stared at the boy closely until he realized who it was.

"Fourwheel? Why are you here? When did you come back?" Turbo was surprised to see his little brother who was supposed to be at Australia standing right in front of him.

"Surprise!!!" Fourwheel replied cheekily with his hand up in the air but Turbo's reaction was priceless, he blinked twice still can't believe that his brother was there. Fourwheel chuckled looking at his brother confused face as he patted his brother's shoulder.

"I just arrived in Bangkok yesterday. I went to our house but dad said you weren't there. I remember you told me about your university and that you are taking Engineering course. So I come here to find you and fortunately I found your car first so I decided to wait for you here. I'm brilliant right?" Fourwheel flashed Turbo his smile filled with excitement.

Turbo let out a sigh after hearing Fourwheel talking about his dad and their house. He looked straight to his little brother and guilt biting up on him. They talked a lot on social media, mostly on Instagram but over all the things he shared with Fourwheel, there are some things he kept hidden from him.

"It's been a year already after I left the house." Turbo slowly said afraid of whatever Fourwheel's reaction will be.

"I know. Dad told me. Now tell me why you left the house? Where are you staying at right now?"

"I'm staying at the dorm. There's not too many engineering student, so I manage to get a room all the time." Fourwheel nodded to his brother's explanation.

"Its lucky to be you."

"No it's not."

"It is Phi. You just don't realize it." Turbo smiled to his little brother and shook his head.

"Oii! It's hot outside, Phi. Let's go!" Fourwheel whined as he tapped on the car's roof twice. Turbo shot a confused look.

"Go? To where?"

"Aow, to your dorm of course." Fourwheel said as he jumped into the car when Turbo unlocked the door. He was super excited to see how his brother is living after being apart for too long. They had only met once and it was 5 years ago. If not because of his dad telling him to go back to Australia, he might get to spend much more time with his big brother, Turbo.

But he was told to go back and finished his studies there until he graduated from high school. Now, he come back after successfully graduating and he planned to continue studying at the same university as his brother. But finding out his brother living on the campus dorm, get him thinking to stay close to his brother.

"I want to see how your place looks like. I wonder how comfortable is the dorm that you prefer staying there more than at home. When you were little, you always want to stay at a cooler, clean and spacious place. That's the only way you can fall asleep peacefully." Fourwheel stated as Turbo started the engine and drive off the car to his dorm building. It wasn't far from the university so it takes less than 15 minutes to arrived.

With Fourwheel mentioning about their past, he can't help but reminiscing their childhood memories. It was all good before their parents split and got divorced.

It was totally unfair for them to be forcedly separated that way. Which both did not like with the  idea of it. But that time, they were just a little kid, they were barely 8 and 7 years old. It has been a very very very long time since he met his mom and his dad keep refusing and won't let him met his mom.

He bet, this time Fourwheel came from Australia, his dad might told him off again. But the least he knows that his brother secretly wants to continue his study at the same university and department as him.

"So Phi... Who are you sharing your room with?" Fourwheel asked when they reached the campus dorm.

"I live alone." Turbo's replied made Fourwheel got excited alone. That's simply means he had a chance to stay at the dorm and the important part is that he is with his brother.

They went up the stairs and stopped at the 3rd level. Fourwheel followed behind Turbo as he lead the way to his room.

Turbo put the key inside the doorknob just to found out that the room wasn't locked. Turbo was confused as he stared long at the doorknob. He was sure he had locked the door before he went to the class this morning. He always double-checked it everytime he goes out.

"Did you forget to lock the door, Phi?"

As Fourwheel shifted his eyes from the knob to his brother, the door was opened from the inside. Adding more surprised to the confused siblings who were standing outside the dorm.

"Are you my roommate?"


A/N: Hi guys! Finally I have published the first chapter of this story and I hope you guys can enjoy it since I put a lot of efforts on it. Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language. So yeah, love you guys. <3 <3 <3

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